Feminist Law Prof Profile: Ann Bartow

Honestly I’m not a complete narcissist, I’m just profiling myself as an introduction to the folks who find their way here who do not know me. It would be fun to feature profiles of everyone on the blogroll, so we all get to know each other a little bit, to the extent that “blogrollees” are amenable.

So back to me. I teach and write about Intellectual Property Law here at the University of South Carolina School of Law, which is a terrifically fun and engaging subject area. I’m lucky enough to have a lot of friends who also teach IP law, and I generally find the “IP law prof community” to be pretty warm, welcoming and diverse. One of the things that has helped link IP law profs together is the Cyberprof listserv founded and maintained by Mark Lemley. In my view, blogs are starting to render listservs clunky and obsolete, which is why I started this blog, instead of a feminist e-mail listserv. Of course, back in 1996 I wondered who in the world would want to SHOP over the Internet, so let’s just say with some understatement that I’ve been wrong before. This is an experiment that will require lots of feminist law prof participation to succeed. Please e-mail me things you would like to see posted at: feministlawprof@yahoo.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

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