Welcome to the “Feminist Law Professors” Blog

This is the initial iteration of a blog that will:

1. List law professors (by law school) who self-identify as feminist, and provides links to their professional or personal web pages (or wherever is preferred by the listee) – see initlal blogroll in the righthand column.

2. Announce CFPs and conferences likely to be of interest to feminist law profs.

3. Highlight the publication of books and articles authored by feminist law profs, or that feminist law profs may find of interest.

The overarching goal of this blog is to build a stronger feminist law prof community across scholarly subject areas. If you think you would like to be listed on the blogroll, email me at feministlawprof@yahoo.com. Feel free to mention this blog to friends and colleagues who might also like to be listed. Hopefully the blog will have a nice ethos of inclusivity.

Once I have the content-based aspects of the blog functioning better, I will certainly invite and welcome more substantive participation from interested feminist law profs. I’m trying to gauge interest (and also to learn how to build and maintain a web log). Advice and input are always appreciated. Also if I seem to be duplicating someone else’s efforts with this, please let me know.

warm regards,
Ann Bartow

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0 Responses to Welcome to the “Feminist Law Professors” Blog

  1. KCSheehan says:

    What a wonderful idea!

  2. Pingback: Feminist Law Professors » Blog Archive » About This Blog, Redux

  3. Pingback: First Posts « Dlo221’s Weblog