“Searching for Angela Shelton”

From this site:

“In the documentary Searching for Angela Shelton, filmmaker Angela Shelton journeys across the United States meeting other Angela Sheltons in an effort to survey women in America. She discovers that 24 out of the 40 Angela Sheltons she spoke to had been raped, beaten or molested (now 28 out of 40). Then the filmmaker meets an Angela Shelton who tracks sexual predators and lives in the same town as the filmmaker’s father who molested her and her step siblings for years.

“The filmmaker’s survey of women becomes a journey of self-discovery during which she decides to finally confront her own past and her father – on Father’s Day. The Angela Sheltons complete the journey by teaching the filmmaker about forgiveness, faith and the power of the human spirit, no matter what your name is.”

You can watch a trailer here or here. A special version of the documentary with never-before-seen footage will air on Lifetime on April 22, 2006 at 11pm.

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