Really, Really, Really Humorless Feminism: Unfunny Beyond Belief


From Jessica at Feministing:

This weekend was the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco, where folks do a footrace while dressing up and doing some outdoor partying.

Apparently some guys thought this was a great opportunity to dress up like Duke lacrosse players and chant “No means yes!” I wish I was joking. I can’t even fathom the level of stupidity that someone would need to do something like this.

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0 Responses to Really, Really, Really Humorless Feminism: Unfunny Beyond Belief

  1. Q. Pheevr says:

    People who accuse feminists of lacking a sense of humour seem to be oblivious to how profoundly unfunny sexists are.

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    My views exactly.

  3. jmrittle says:

    Not to mention intentionality. I mean, did they design, make, and even pay for those T-Shirts?

  4. Ann Bartow says:

    Apparently so. Yeesh. I know some teenagers who were shocked by that photo (though they are usually fairly unfreakable, at least on the surface). That actually made me happy.