Prawfsblawg Adds First Female to Permanent Blogging Line Up

Feminist Law Prof Orly Lobel got a permanent blogging gig at Prawfsblawg, announced here. And wow, some of the commenters there think she is a total babe! Do I make this stuff up? No, I do not. Check out the appended comments thread here. Orly is a great addition, anyway.

–Ann Bartow

Update: Belle Lettre has a thoughtful post about all this at Law and Letters.

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0 Responses to Prawfsblawg Adds First Female to Permanent Blogging Line Up

  1. RCinProv says:

    Your comment was great, though.

    But geez, what’s up with that “zero-tolerance feminist” turn of phrase. What O’Reilly type dreamed that up? So, we’re supposed to have *some* “tolerance” for that crap. Sheesh.

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    It’s all part of the project of keeping women in their place.

  3. klitvak says:

    Ann: and what part of that project is performed by people like me?

  4. Ann Bartow says:

    klitvak: I really don’t understand your question.