“The Adventures of Carrie Giver” – America’s New Comic Book Superheroine

From this site:

TR Rose Associates, Inc. is unveiling America’s first true female super-hero since Wonder Woman. Conceived for the Caregiver Credit Campaign, the new heroine will set the nation abuzz, challenging ideas about mothers and other caregivers in our political, social, and economic life. Our feminist career heroine will have politicians and hairdressers, women and girls, hardhats and female executives, right along with caregivers re-thinking personal and social policy, including Social Security. Carrie Giver will be kicking butt in the name of hundreds of millions of people, especially mothers, who give care to the young and old alike each and every day.

Veteran American comic book artist Neal Adams has provided the cover art in support for the book’s economic justice message of helping unpaid caregivers as they create wealth for our economy and sustain our society.

This timely comic book reflects the attention now being paid to America’s rapidly growing mammogram generation (squeezed on both sides), soon to be in need of care themselves – e.g., aging baby boomers. The trend of first time Hollywood moms, posed against both a right wing view of motherhood-or-nothing and the career-first pressures of still many other women, make this the perfect time for media outlets to talk about the value of caregiving to both children and older people. It affects 100 percent of Americans, and is a worldwide concern as western nations age. We all come into the world in need of care. We all exit the same way. Sooner or later, most of us become caregivers.

Via Feministing. To see two unrelated and deeply satiric feminist comic strips with on a different subject, see Your Yucky Body: A Repair Manual and the sequel, Your Yucky Body: Summer Swimsuit Spectacular, both by Mikhaela Reid, also via Feministing. Finally, here’s a third somewhat random comics link: “Comic Book Guys Are Stupid” at I Blame the Patriarchy.

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