“Anti-Feminism on the Left”

Blogger Tom Watson writes: “I never had Maureen Dowd pegged as a woman-hater – until Saturday. That’s when MoDo unleashed the worst in a long series of attacks on Senator Hillary Clinton that was, frankly, a pathetic scattering of weak, misogynistic crumbs. …”

Can I say, “Elementary, my dear Watson?

Read his post in its entirety here.

–Ann Bartow

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0 Responses to “Anti-Feminism on the Left”

  1. Patrick Seamus says:

    I don’t routinely read the NYT as I’m loyal to the LA Times (east coast/west coast thing I suppose) and think in some respects it’s often better than NYT (and I can’t afford to subscribe to both–I know, the NYT is available online, but my eyes much prefer the hard copy these days), so this was news to me and rather appalling at that. I had just been taken aback by a colossal display of ignorance and prejudice (in non-legal sense) of an insidious and ignominious sort in a post over at TalkLeft: ‘Some Thoughts on Israel and the Arab World’ (some of the comments only begin to capture my outrage, Americans being still profoundly uneducated when it comes to Middle East history, Islam, etc.): http://talkleft.com/new_archives/015613.html
    Of course after Christopher Hitchens, anything seems possible. I trust the aforementioned are not symptomatic of deeper or intransigent problems on the Left, as I’m all-too-keenly aware of the Left’s implosion in the late ’60s and early ’70s, due in no small part to its failure to engage in collective self-examination (the subordinate role of women in many groups and movements the most conspicuous and consequential instance of this)….