The man behind ‘Girls Gone Wild’ is a jerk.

Not a huge surprise, maybe, but possibly he is worse than you imagined. Via Pandagon.

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0 Responses to The man behind ‘Girls Gone Wild’ is a jerk.

  1. doctordave says:

    Yeah – after reading that article, I took a couple of minutes to send that link to my favorite shows over at Comedy Central (The Colbert Report, et. al…) that are sponsored by the GGW videos, with a little note saying… “You know, you guys make far too intelligent a program to pay the bills by hawking the home videos of a glorified date rapist.”

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    A few years ago a couple of my students appeared in one of the videos, a consequence (per them) of too much alcohol and pressure from some Supposedly Liberal Dudes to show how “liberated” they were. They were pretty horrified about the whole thing afterwards, and worried (and still worry) that this will harm their legal careers. I helped them do some research about GGW and the company has a pretty scorched earth approach toward women who have second thoughts. I hope this story gets enough publicity that sensible people start giving GGW a wide berth.