And The Number One Woman On The Wall Street Journal’s “50 Women To Watch” List Is…

Melinda Gates, Bill’s wife. And while I applaud the work that the Gates Foundation is doing, I do have to wonder why she outranks the women who are running large companies.

–Ann Bartow

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0 Responses to And The Number One Woman On The Wall Street Journal’s “50 Women To Watch” List Is…

  1. JR says:

    I think she probably _is_ more important than almost any imaginable CEO. In terms of impact on the world there is no contest.

    Admitting that women still so often achieve important forms of power through the old, traditional route (through husbands and fathers) does not have to be anti-feminist.

    It seems to me that it is worth noting that we still live in a world where this is the main way open for women to achieve positions of political and economic power (see e.g. Hillary Clinton). In some ways, NOT admitting this fact (and instead pretending we live in a world where lots and lots of CEOs and Senators and so on are women, and they all got there on their own) could be the less feminist option. Most men don’t get power “on their own” either, by the way.

    Not that the Wall Street Journal made this point or anything…

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    I have a hard time believing that giving away money is more difficult, or even as difficult, as running a large company, though I admit I lack firsthand experience with either.