The University of St. Thomas Law Journal is requesting submissions for its forthcoming issue: “Workplace Restructuring to Accommodate Family Life”

From the CFP:

Selected articles will be published along side those written by symposium participants including Joan C. Williams, author of Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What to Do About It, and Sister Prudence Allen, R.S.M., Ph.D., author of The Concept of Women (Volumes 1 and 2). The symposium will be held at the law school on March 16, 2007 and will examine the dynamics of social justice and family preservation in the workplace.

Topics will include family wage structures, proposed immigration reforms, employment laws, and caring for caregivers. Submitted articles are by no means limited to those topics and may explore any issue concerning the workplace and women.

Submitted articles should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words in length with citations in Bluebook format. Deadline: Postmarked by March 16, 2007. Please submit articles to:

ATTN: John Darda
University of St. Thomas Law Journal
Mail MSL 225
1000 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403-2015

Or email articles as an MS Word attachment to:

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