“Wal-Mart changes corporate birth control policy: EC will be dispensed without discrimination or delay”

Per Planned Parenthood’s blog “Save Roe!”:

Wal-Mart has signed onto Planned Parenthood’s pharmacy policy on emergency contraception (EC), also known as the “morning-after pill.” This means that Wal-Mart will provide EC in-store, without delay. Over the past few years, Wal-Mart pharmacies have been notorious for not stocking EC or refusing to provide it even when it was in stock. And without a clear corporate policy, the pharmacies were not held accountable.

Under the new policy, Wal-Mart has committed to:

– ensure that customers receive their prescriptions or over-the-counter (OTC) products in-store, without discrimination (no harassment or lectures), without delay, without judgment or regard for the number of refills prescribed or, in the case of OTC products, requested

– stock emergency contraception in every store in which one or more customers request the product

– ensure timely access to out-of-stock medication by offering to order the medication or refer the customer to another pharmacy that stocks the medication

– circulate and enforce these policy and procedures corporation-wide

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