“Law and the Emotions: New Directions in Scholarship” Website

The “Law and the Emotions: New Directions in Scholarship,” conference held at UC Berkeley on February 8th and 9th now has a dedicated website here which has links to conference papers and abstracts, and a Papers of Interest page with links to topically related materials The site will remain active until late June.
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0 Responses to “Law and the Emotions: New Directions in Scholarship” Website

  1. Eric says:

    As I glanced at this item quickly in my RSS reader, I thought the subject of the conference was “Law and the Emoticons”, and was utterly puzzled.

    (I’m not including an emoticon here, because I think they’re very annoying.)

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    Wow, “Law and the Emoticons” is a great title for a conference featuring emotional constitutional law scholars!