Website Accessibility for People With Disabilities

The audio of the New York City Bar Association’s May 3 program on “Website Accessibility for People with Disabilities” is now available for listening and/or download here.

This program followed a recent New York City Bar report demonstrating that accessibility is required regardless of “bricks and mortar”: “Website Accessibility for People with Disabilities,” available here.

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0 Responses to Website Accessibility for People With Disabilities

  1. bob coley jr says:

    As one who continues to think, live, atempt to prosper, make mistakes, love my children, go to concerts, buy art, cook, travel, read, watch movies, listen to music and all the things I have always done, I know getting access to anywhere is a real pain if one is disabled in any way. Anyone or anything that makes it easier is greatly appreciated. Those that don’t have to struggle wiill never know how much this kind of thing means!