Let’s See Whose is Bigger

The measuring (of blog readership, that is) continues over at Concurring Opinions. Sigh.

-Bridget Crawford

Update by Ann: Dave Hoffman updated his post here.

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0 Responses to Let’s See Whose is Bigger

  1. Ann Bartow says:

    When someone gets around to counting how many times a blog talks about tampons, THEN we’ll be rolling in glory!

    Of course we have a “statcounter” rather than a “sitemeter” but I’m okay with being excluded, it’s a very familiar feeling!

  2. DaveHoffman says:

    I don’t see how you came to the view that you were excluded. The list simply takes data from the truth laid bear. It is a few minutes work to register your counter at TLB, to the extent you want to. I’m happy to edit the list for any new entrants.

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    The Truth Laid Bear is pretty widely viewed as having a right wing bias (see e.g. this: http://www.rightwingnews.com/symposiums/trans.php ) so I don’t have much interest in supporting that blog. Technorati is a less game-able measure of relevance, and one that you could use instead of, or to supplement your TLB rankings, if you were interested in inclusiveness.

  4. Ann Bartow says:

    Oh, and TTLB does rank this blog, I just checked and FLP is ranked #5802. I just don’t feel like giving a right winger the FLP site traffic data, thanks anyway. I chose “Statcounter” because it is more protective of reader and commenter privacy than Sitemeter, though far from perfect. Click the link at the bottom of this page that says “blogs that link here” to get the FLP Technorati ranking. We have nothing to hide.

  5. DaveHoffman says:


    TTLB “ranks” FLP, but it does not list the traffic numbers, which is what our list is based on. For the same reason, we excluded patently-o.

    Technorati offers, in my view, a very bad metric, because it includes blogroll links. Not that TLB offers a “good” system, just a convenient one, and one used by Roger in the previous posting on this topic on opinio juris.


  6. Ann Bartow says:

    Well, you did list “Rank” in your chart too, so here is an idea: Do a chart based on TTLB “rank,” so those of us put off by TTLB’s political slant (and I didn’t even mention the sexism!) could be included.

    Also, I’m pretty sure TTLB’s rankings are based on both page load stats AND inbound links (when both are available), and this is because page loads alone are so easily game-able.

  7. Ann Bartow says:

    Turns out TTLB’s Ecosystem rankings are based only on links. It does maintain a separate ranking based on traffic alone, but seems to consider links a much more important and reliable metric, as evidenced by its claim that: “The TTLB Blogosphere Ecosystem is widely regarded as the definitive weblog ranking system.” See:


