“There is a difference between critique and seeking to shut my ass up because I’m not saying it the way you would, singing it the way you want to hear it sung or approaching a subject from the angle you want it to be approached from.”

Sentence pulled from this excellent post by Sharkfu at Feministing.

This entry was posted in Acts of Violence, Feminism and Technology, The Underrepresentation of Women. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to “There is a difference between critique and seeking to shut my ass up because I’m not saying it the way you would, singing it the way you want to hear it sung or approaching a subject from the angle you want it to be approached from.”

  1. bob coley jr says:

    “These dreams go on when I close my eyes…every moment of the night…I live another life” (Stevie Nicks) When I was a teen I thought of one people, one world. Separate parts of a whole. Little has changed since then but some of us still believe. Keep on keepin’ on! As MLK SAID “I may not get there with you.” But I can dream can’t I? There is no good control or bad control, just control and no control. If you want to drive the “bus”, and risk others’ lives, control of the bus starts with self-control.

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