CFP: Feminist Law Teachers Conference, Saturday, Nov. 21 at Temple Law School

The 17th Annual Conference of The Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia Feminist Law Teachers will take place on Saturday, November 21st at Temple University Law School from approximately 8:45 AM to 4:30 PM.

The Conference has always been 6 credits of CLE, including 1 ethics credit.

If you have just finished or are about to finish an article please consider presenting. The article does not have to be overtly feminist. This has been a generally supportive group, particularly for new law teachers.

We cannot pay expenses but we can notify you of hotel discounts.

Please submit proposals to as soon as possible.

–Marina Angel

This entry was posted in Call for Papers or Participation, Feminist Legal Scholarship, Feminists in Academia, Upcoming Conferences. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to CFP: Feminist Law Teachers Conference, Saturday, Nov. 21 at Temple Law School

  1. Ann Bartow says:

    I’ve been to earlier iterations of this conference and it is always great. If I had any travel money I’d go this year too. Marina Angel has tirelessly mentored a lot of feminist law profs over the years, and this conference is a wonderful opportunity for junior folks.

  2. sumshel says:

    Could someone who just graduated in May submit a paper?

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    I think the conference is for feminist law teachers – people who are already teaching at law schools in some capacity. But e-mail Marina Angel if you want, she has the details.

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