Judgment Assignment and Gender On the Canadian Supreme Court

Peter James McCormick (Independent) is publishing Who Writes? Gender and Judgment Assignment on the Supreme Court of Canada in volume 51 of the Osgoode Hall Law School Law Review (2014). Here is the abstract.

This article poses the question: now that women are receiving an increasing share of the seats on the Supreme Court of Canada, can we conclude with confidence that they have been admitted to full participation, with a mix of judgments — including the more significant decisions — that is fully comparable to their male colleague? The author looks at the assignment of reasons for judgment on the Court over the last three chief justiceships, with specific reference to the relative rate of assignments to men and women judges. Finally, he finds that the male/female gap is more robust than ever, although he also identifies other considerations which suggest that there may be factors other than gender alone that are at play. This article will be published in the next issue of the Osgoode Hall Law Journal (51:2).

Download the article from SSRN at the link.

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