CFP: Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network at Law and Society

Bumping up to front because deadline for proposals is September 17, 2017.

From this year’s organizers of the FLT Collaborative Research Network at Law and Society:

Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network at the Law and Society Annual Meeting (Toronto in June 2018) Call for Papers – Sunday September 17 Deadline for Proposals

We invite you to submit a proposal to participate in the panels sponsored by the Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network at the Law and Society Annual Meeting in Toronto in June 2018.  The Feminist Legal Theory CRN brings together law and society scholars across a range of fields who share an interest in feminist legal theory. This year’s meeting invites us to explore LAW AT THE CROSSROADS/LE DROIT A LA CROISÉE DES CHEMINS.  We seek proposals that explore the application of feminist legal theory to this rich theme, across any substantive area.  If you would like to propose a paper for inclusion in a CRN panel, please submit a 500 word abstract by September 17, 2017.  For more information and to submit your abstract, please visit here. Information about the larger Law and Society meeting is available here.

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