All In by @BillieJeanKing is a Fabulous Read

Cover Image of Billie Jean King memoir, I just finished reading Billie Jean King’s memoir (written with Johnette Howard and Maryanne Vollers), All In. It’s a fantastic read for anyone interested in sports, second-wave feminism, Title IX, LGBT rights, social change (or several or all). The last few chapters, devoted mostly to her post-tennis life, won’t appeal to everyone, but they are what law professors might call “bring down” chapters–explaining how everything in the book (her life!) leads up to her current views on social change/social justice and current projects.

Billie Jean King is someone who lives her values. I had tears rolling down my eyes by the end of the book, which she ends this way:

It’s been a lovely, sometimes lonely, often soul-shaking, ultimately gratifying ride. It’s been full of sparks and recrimination. But I came through it.

I am free.

Amen and thank you, Billie Jean King.

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