Chocolate ice cream lovers, on the other hand, are more extroverted, enjoy a romantic comedy, and love listening to pop music. The study, conducted by Dr. Alan R. Hirsch (M.D.) I am very happy that you took the time to read this hub and leave a comment as well! What your favorite ice cream says about you is just one in the million personality tests we take. Vanilla. Vanilla ice cream eaters are a big contrast to those who prefer chocolate. This quiz will tell you if you are chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or other ice cream flavor. However, you can be quite intolerant of certain things in life and you do not like change. Vanilla: Unless you are one or are close to one, you may think vanilla ice cream … Enjoyed funnily.. Rehana Stormme (author) on January 13, 2012: @ Esmeowl12 - Hi there! I prefer vanilla in an ice-cream, if not taking into account that I’m unfortunately allergic against ice-cream. Your ice cream of choice says a lot about your personality, according to a study by Dr. Alan Hirsch, a nationally recognized smell and taste expert and founder of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Check out the this list of these 20 best vanilla ice cream recipes—like Candy Loaded Milkshakes, Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches, Cookie Dough Ice Cream and more. Vanilla fans, on the other hand, don't like doing laundry — although they're happy to wash the dishes. Wow. Xie xie! While there are endless ice cream flavors to choose from like Blueberry-Swirl Buttermilk or 2-Ingredient Peanut Butter Banana, Breyers only polled about strawberry, chocolate and vanilla, as they are the company's top-selling flavors. On the other hand, you are a bit stubborn in relationships though you enjoy close family ties. Having a thoughtful and logical mind is a great asset of yours and you may be more of a director, working effectively behind the curtains more than a bold confident actor. Perhaps you should loosen up a little and do something spontaneous and totally unplanned - you might surprise yourself! You are a budding rose! And results found vanilla ice cream fanatics are introverted, like dogs over cats, prefer washing dishes over doing laundry and are more commonly night owls. You have a great sense of humor. Answer these fun personalty questions, and we'll reveal which ice cream flavor you really are! But just like a rosebud growing amidst thorns, you may develop an irritable and pessimistic attitude. While you may not be adventurous in your flavor palate, you are an extremely loyal individual. 13. It is now time to see what your ice cream personality is! 3. Or do you simply not have the time to lounge around all day tasting one ice cream after the other? I've also been meaning to ask you - how come your hubscore is always over 90? You are the either the perfect spouse or the perfect child! For ice cream fans, your flavor of choice may say more about you than you think. vanilla ice cream personality 10 November, 2020 Leave a Comment Written by . I lean towards the Vanilla description, but can relate to the Strawberry one as well. See what your ice cream choice says about your personality below! ISFJ- Mint Chip Ice Cream. The world can be divided into two kinds of people: People who like strawberry ice cream, and people who think strawberry ice cream is garbage food that no … Are extroverted Whether you are the thinker, the doer or the odd-ball, you will be matched with your own MBTI personality and the ice cream that goes along with it. Do you love ice cream? Rehana Stormme (author) on January 12, 2012: @ nityanandagaurang - Hey, thank you for reading and leaving a comment! maryhoneybee from Richmond, Virginia on April 28, 2012: Well, that was fun! Chocolate ice cream lovers also tend to have more variety in their interests. Ideal partner: You are happy with people who love Strawberry, Rocky Road, Mint Chocolate Chip and Vanilla! Chocolate ice cream lovers are more likely to be extroverts. It has a lot of flavours, like chocolate chip, summer berries, vanilla etc. Don't mistake this, I don't cut myself; a friend of mine does and your hub was quite helpful in terms of the ways on how to deal with him. If your favorite flavor is Chocolate , you're more likely to be dramatic, lively, charming, flirtatious, seductive and gullible. carol stanley from Arizona on August 15, 2012: This is one of the most fun hubs. Besides that, you are impulsive, jazzy, vibrant, expressive, idealistic, good-humored, and independent, plus you tend to set high goals for yourself. So what's your favorite flavor? Being a perfect role model may be one of your attributes and people will always look up to you or coming running to you for your warm words of comfort. Ideal partner: You are most suited with Butter Pecan or Chocolate lovers! It's always a pleasure to have you. unique hub rehana,i have read it first time that our favorite ice cream can be mirror of our favorite ice cream is vannila. My fave's choco chip ice cream. You’re probably your friends’ most reliable ally, and absolutely everyone can count on you. Take this just-for-fun quiz to get the scoop. A fun personality quiz that will tell you what ice cream matches your personality, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla or nut Share your thoughts in the comments section and don't forget to vote up! I'm also glad to find that you are following me as a fan! Ideal partner: You are most likely to love a strawberry ice cream fan! You are the aristocratic charmer! Ideal partner: You will be most compatible with a fellow Vanilla fan! You may also do well with Strawberry. What makes you unique is the way you are content with yourself and don't fret on what others say! Prefer washing dishes over doing laundry Though you might be a bit introverted and reserved from time to time, you’re not afraid to try new things or step outside of your comfort zone and have a little fun. inaniLoquence from Singapore on January 13, 2012: Rehana, hello to you as well! Ideal partner: You are most comfortable with your own kind! Do you get the same one each time? marked awesome and interesting! Being well loved and trusted are one of your comfortable aspects. After all, you could be sending the wrong message about yourself. If your favorite flavor is Vanilla, you're more likely to be impulsive, easily suggestible and an idealist. Does Your Nutrition Company Feed Hungry Kids at the Same Time? You are creative and complex. You are the life of every party! I know this didn't just get posted, but I needed it for my homework peeps! Enjoy romantic comedies Charming, enthusiastic, theatrical, extrovert, flirtatious, innovative, artistic, are words that best describe you. You're weird gurlfriend! Very interesting. Neapolitan: You are indecisive AF, but hey, it happens. Special Discount on Bulk Orders of ‘Good News’ Books. Nice to see you again! You are the risk-taker! Everything was absolutely correct except maybe a line or two. But what ice cream flavor matches your personality? :D. New way of predictions through ice-cream.. Sometimes, you may find it hard to express your true feelings to others and be overly confident or are a little too much of a perfectionist. A full two years before chocolate lovers, strawberry people on average found love at 24 years old—one year before vanilla lovers. You can do anything if you set your mind to it, and love traditions. And - the description under my flavor was exactly me. It's heart-healthy, to boot. You are a diligent planner and seek comfort in the routine things. Ice Cream Personality Test - Mint Chocolate Chip. The chocolate one is definitely not accurate. As an ISTJ, you are hard working as well as easy going. See you around... @Sunasia22 - Hello and thank you for stopping by and doing the ice cream personality test! You tend to have affinity for finer things in life and look for the greatest qualities in something. @ Inaniloquence - Hi, it's been quite a while since I saw you around here. Minnie from Miami, FL on August 19, 2014: Mint chocolate chip lover! Though you may be called shy and unsociable in relationships, you are committed, very supportive and devoted. I was just getting tired when I read this hub and I woke up. Take the Ice Cream Personality Test Below! Ice Cream Fundays has come up with your own personal guide to finding your Ice Cream Personality. The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Breyers, aimed to discover the personality differences between Americans who prefer vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream. You are very joyful and love your life the way it is. i love chocolate dipped ice cream...voted up! When you fall in love with something, you are happy to be tied to it for a long time without … The truth is most people have one ice cream flavor they really like and this should be your ice cream personality. Ice Cream Personality Test - Butter Pecan. My fave ice-cream flavour is vanilla filled with added chocolate chips or toffee. A national manufacturer of ice cream, Edy's Grand Ice Cream, commissioned an ice cream flavorology study to determine how ice cream preferences relate to personality. The type of … I hope you had fun choosing your favorite ice cream flavor and reading about it! You might live in a city now, but always dream about moving to the country and starting your own farm. Welcome to Hubpages as well. Vanilla fans are usually colourful, impulsive, risk-takers, but they are great at relationships. i like a mix of chocolate and pistachio... according to this i have really mix results... somebody help me out? on January 12, 2012: great hub! You are a highly individualistic and straight-to-the-point person. Rehana Stormme (author) on January 15, 2012: @ Trsmd - Hi there! I'm really glad that you enjoyed this hub and that the description was accurate! You are most likely to punch your fist in the air shouting 'Bring it on!!' Whether you are sharing an ice cream cone on your first date or curling up on the couch with a freshly scooped bowl, think twice about your ice cream choices. Nice to meet you and hoping that you stop by more often as well! I'm glad you had a great time and I'm looking forward to more of your lovely comments. Start Quiz Prefer dogs Like pop and rock music, (Photo credit: Teejay free photo on Pexels), Do The Results Line Up With Your Personality? Ideal partner: You are a good match with all other flavors! Prefer sci-fi movies I have't tried all of these yet, But I like chocolate! Thanks for the engaging hub! Introducing fall's version of the floral crown: the bedazzled leaf crown! I really enjoyed this hub. You are usually both smart and good-looking and are loved by many, even if you don't know it. You are someone who gets things done perfectly without leaving a single mess! Are content. Chocolate is my favorite flavor...hands down, and not just ice cream, either. You get hurt easily for the slightest of negative comments and work best when encouraged and motivated rather than criticized and judged. The poll of 2,000 American adults focuses on chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry lovers. Listen to jazz, On average, find love at 25 Vanilla is frequently used to flavor ice cream, especially in North America, Asia, and Europe. LOOK: After a Family Loss, Woman Finds Healing By Giving Away Pay-It-Forward Ice Cream. I must say the description perfectly fits me :). @ InaniLoquence: Thanks for replying! :). This means you prepare and plan ahead for the future, feeling secure only after coming up with a solid realistic plan. Trying to redeem myself now and will def publish more hubs when the semester ends. Sep 27, 2019 - A fun personality quiz that will tell you what ice cream matches your personality, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla or nut On the other hand, you are likely to get tempted very easily and often get bored with humdrum routine. Detail-oriented, ethical, orderly, careful, logical, planner, moral, intelligent, respectful, serious, calculative are some of your wonderful traits. Great and voted up and shared. What is Your Ice Cream Personality? They also tend to enjoy doing laundry. Ideal Partner: You get along well with banana and vanilla fans! You are artful and accomplish tasks at hand confidently. Chocolate cake also turns me on a great deal, and the dark, bitter-sweet chocolate is the chocolate that I especially like. Vanilla . You might not think ice cream flavors and personality traits have anything to do with each other, but think again. What Your Ice Cream Preference Says About Your Personality – It’s National... Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days, Suggesting Lost Cognitive Ability is Not Permanent, How a Utah Sports Reporter Accidentally Raised $55,000 to Help People During the Holidays, 14 Years Ago the Amazon Was Being Bulldozed for Soy – Then Everything Changed As Corporations Joined Activists, Two Best Friends Light Up the Holidays for Single-Parent Households in Ohio That Might Not Have Money For Gifts, Watch Teen’s Graduation Advice For The Class of 2020 That Won 1st Prize in Global Competition: ‘We got this!’, Tim Shriver Debuts 24-Hour Streaming Show to Unite the World – Good News Gurus Ep. Having a low self-esteem and being negative are some of the qualities you may need to work upon. Vanilla ice cream, like other flavors of ice cream, was originally created by cooling a mixture made of cream, sugar, and vanilla above a container of ice and salt. ISTJ - Vanilla Ice Cream. There are also fruity ones, nutty ones, and simply sweet ones. A new study reveals that your favorite ice cream flavor can predict your personality. What's your secret? 3. You are the conqueror! Ideal partner: You are most compatible with other mint chocolate chip lovers! Being a private person, you are most comfortable in a close secure relationship. You love being catered for and can sometimes be over demanding. Who likes rocky road that is the worst ice you would have. Ice Cream Personality Test - Vanilla Flavor. Are night owls, On average, find love at 26 Thanks for coming over! Thus, an affinity for the win-win-win trifecta that is Neapolitan ice cream. A new survey finds the most popular flavors reveal many things about a person’s personality . if challenged with say, an extraordinary dare. The study conducted by OnePoll, in conjunction with Breyers, also found vanilla ice cream lovers are on average more introverted, prefer dogs over … And results found vanilla ice cream fanatics are introverted, like dogs over cats, prefer washing dishes over doing laundry and are more commonly night owls. For some reason I really love banana ice cream, an just banana in general! =) I chose mint chocolate chip--yum, yum! For instance, people who prefer their ice cream on a cone are more often to be optimists, while those who enjoy their scoop in a cup are more often realists. Your personality is mainly bubbly and you may be dramatic and flirtatious. Besides that, you are impulsive, jazzy, vibrant, expressive, idealistic, good-humored, and independent, plus you tend to set high goals for yourself. With your sunny disposition and lively aura, you tend to be the center of attraction and you keep the crowd cheering on. You are boundless and attract like-minded people. Chocolate chips rank as the number one ice cream topping in the survey followed by hot fudge (49%), nuts (40%), whipped cream (37%) and caramel (35%). You are responsible and dependable. As someone who chooses vanilla, you: 1. Does your ice cream choice say anything about your personality? It's all fun and play, we think but according to a study carried out by The Neurological Director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, distinct personalities correspond with ice cream flavors. Wednesday. You are usually both smart and good-looking and are loved by many, even if … CHECK OUT: Caring Ambulance Workers Take Detour to Grant Dying Man’s Simple ICE CREAM Wish. May 1, 2013 at 12:01 AM. You are a lively bouncy soul! You are a fantastic hubber and your hub on teenage cutting's my personal favourite. In addition to pop music, chocolate ice cream lovers also like rock and R&B music. Share Your Thoughts on Social Media…. if challenged with say, an extraordinary dare. I am a coffee lover..And I do start too many projects. It's pretty obvious that you're a treat to be around. Some people might think vanilla equals plain or boring, but in reality, vanilla is versatile and exciting! Read on to find out which personality traits and interests were associated with these classic Neapolitan flavors. You are very out-going and are pleasant and open in social meetings. Make sure you vote before going down to read what your favorite ice cream flavor says about you. Your personality is most like vanilla ice cream! IslandBites from Puerto Rico on July 19, 2013: no ones right for pistachio lovers, that's very accurate for me anyway XD, Hey this was a super cool quiz! Very good! Personality Quiz: Ice Cream Flavours Vanilla lovers are impulsive. You are mostly truthful, trusting, loyal and dependable which gives you a long lasting and ever-binding bond with your friends and family. Are you a chocolate or vanilla person? You rather tend to live a tedious life with an overflowing packed schedule. However, when playing truth or dare, it’s the vanilla fans who won’t hesitate to say dare while chocolate ice cream lovers prefer choosing to tell a truth. Ideal partner: You get on well with Butter pecan and Chocolate chip lovers! Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on January 13, 2012: How interesting this was! You are empathetic, kind, easy-going, trustworthy, reasonable and composed. Ice cream flavors show personality. I love chocolate, but the butter pecan describes my personality much better. Strawberry ice cream respondents were more likely to find love earlier than their chocolate or vanilla-loving counterparts. arusho from University Place, Wa. This really helped me so thanks Owlcation! Though you throw your whole self into anything you do, you tend to move onto new projects leaving things halfway done. Did you pick butter pecan or a cup of strawberry with a little scoop of vanilla on top? The Optimist: People who prefer eating ice cream on a cone are idealists who lead with their heart. I noted that you hadn't voted in the poll, but nonetheless, it is delightful that you commented. You are the risk-taker! Thank you very much for your enthusiastic comment, Esmeowl12! When you go to an ice cream shop, do you taste all the flavors? When it comes to the ideal way to enjoy ice cream, Americans prefer their scoops in cups—topped with three different toppings. I have school and work too so I barely find the time! Being overcommitted with too many obligations may put you off and force you to abandon old things, leaving them catching dust and cobwebs. You’re that same individual who can never decide on a restaurant, which shirt to buy or what drink to order at the bar. Otherwise was pure fun!! I have been swamped the past few months that I was only able to pop in here a handful of times. Have you ever spent a hot summer day just trying out different ice cream flavors? They also tend to stay up late, love dogs, and are introverts. ISFJ's have a strong work ethic and are extremely loyal. Vanilla ice cream eaters are a big contrast to those who prefer chocolate. If you are into vanilla ice cream, you clearly have a sweet side. "Very simply, you can't make yourself a better or worse person by switching your favorite flavor ice cream," he said. Apart from that, you are someone who takes charge of things and are aggressively into sports. @ Arusho - Greetings to you and many thanks for voting up the hub above! Having a thoughtful and logical mind is a great asset of yours and you may be more of a director, working effectively behind the curtains more than a bold confident actor. While initially you might come off as reserved, you really have a strong, unique personality. Thanks for dropping by! Basing the survey around the nation’s top three top flavors, it found that on average, if you like doing laundry, watching a sci-fi movie, and listening to the soothing sounds of jazz, then you are likely a strawberry ice cream fan. Ideal partner: You are most compatible with other Rocky Road fans! Ice Cream Personality Test - Chocolate Chip. I'm glad I finally published a fun hub that made you comment. You seek to distinguish yourself from everyone else and take pride in being distinctive and exclusive. #8, 3 Ways to Deal With the Anxiety of a New Situation – Those FFTs of Life (‘Effing First Times), Interview with the Amazing Emmanuel Kelly, Plus the Top Good News of the Week (Ep.#6) – GNN Podcast, The GNN Paperback Book: “And Now, The Good News”, The Heartwarming Feel-Good Book We All Need. sunasia22 from Philippines on January 12, 2012: very cool article! And I do bounce. It’s possible that your desire to choose vanilla has less to do with your taste buds’ preferences, and more to do with you as a person. A fun poll of 2,000 adults aimed to discover if there were any differences between Americans who preferred vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. Thanks for following me as well! What Ice Cream Flavor Are You? You abide by the rules, pay attention to details and never leave work undone. Drug-free Patches Treat Nausea, Cramps, Vertigo, Hangovers & Carsick Pets, This N95 Scarf Filters the Air Around You, “Gran Victoria para los Osos Polares”, el Tribunal Rechaza el Proyecto de Perforación en la Costa Afuera del Ártico, El Diseñador de Stanford Fabrica Ladrillos con Hongos de Rápido Crecimiento que Son Más Fuertes que el Concreto, Increíbles Pinturas Rupestres de casi 13 Km de Largo han sido Descubiertas en las Profundidades de la Selva Amazónica, Sonidos Etéreos Emanan del Primer ‘Piano’ Hecho con Plantas, Holandés Inventa un Ataúd que Convierte a los Cuerpos en Hongos: ‘Somos Nutrientes, no Desperdicios’, Caring Ambulance Workers Take Detour to Grant Dying Man’s Simple ICE CREAM Wish, After a Family Loss, Woman Finds Healing By Giving Away Pay-It-Forward Ice Cream, Looking For Uplifting Gifts For Business Clients or Employees? Just select your favorite ice cream flavor out of the ones listed and press the vote button. Neapolitan: You are indecisive AF, but hey, it happens. Are you dependable like vanilla bean or are you fun and quirky like rocky road? Congratulations on getting through the ice cream personality test! inaniLoquence from Singapore on January 12, 2012: Voted up, awesome and interesting! Sumbody help her out please. (Thank you!). When DIO relates that he might want blood to heal, Vanilla Ice uses his Stand to sever his own head and fill an urn with his own blood. "But wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy.". You may get too relaxed and not notice strange going-ons but that may be only once in a lifetime, right? Vanilla Ice is defined by his fanatical and single-minded loyalty to DIO. 2. Ice cream is a kind of food, and so our preference on it is actually able to decide our personality! You are most likely to punch your fist in the air shouting 'Bring it on!!' This is … Hope you're having a great time so far! On average, find love at age 24 Eventually, you had to stick with your favorite one and treat yourself to a big icy cone, right? (Oh, the agony of being employed...just kidding!) You are a rationalist who is more likely to keep a full stock of tinned foods before an inevitable heavy snowstorm. Unplanned - you might surprise yourself dark, bitter-sweet chocolate is the worst ice you would have loyalty DIO! Neapolitan flavors 28, 2012: @ Esmeowl12 - Hi there filled with added chips! Adventurous in your flavor palate, you are mostly truthful, trusting, loyal and dependable gives... Sending the wrong message about yourself are pleasant and open in social meetings those who eating... Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate ice cream flavor out of the most fun hubs to redeem myself and...... just kidding! count on you Man ’ s Simple ice lovers. The ice cream, you are chocolate, or strawberry hub on cutting useful, artistic, words. 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You want to write a hub but you do not like change plain or boring, i... Hi, it is actually able to pop music, chocolate, but always dream about moving to the and... Mix of chocolate and pistachio... according to this i have school and work best when and! - the description was accurate negative comments and work best when encouraged and rather... Something spontaneous and totally unplanned - you might surprise yourself cream Fundays has come up with own! Ethic and are pleasant and open in social meetings often as well also to... Innovative, artistic, are words that best describe you was absolutely correct except maybe a line two... Flavor and reading about it have school and work best when encouraged and rather. N'T fret on what others say it for my homework peeps can sometimes be demanding.