*Note- You may notice lettuce seeds are pink or another bright color when you open the seed packet. It doesn’t have to be super large as lettuce roots aren’t very deep. You can easily grow lettuce indoors in pots, growing trays or even miniature hydroponics systems. That makes it the perfect candidate. Even if you’re growing them in small containers, you’ll have to ensure they have enough space to thrive. You’ll want to begin by picking a favorite decorative flower pot. So how do you know what type of container to use? Once the soil has drained, place your seedlings in the container on top of the soil. For either seeded or transplanted lettuce, have 12 to 15 inches between each row. Lettuce does need a lot of room for growth, but can easily … You’ll need 1 to 3 ½ gallons (2-13 L.) of soil depending on the size of your container. As the lettuce grows you harvest the leaves as needed. A clay pot provides a permeable surface that can evaporate any excess water and prevent soggy roots. This will cool the plant down and hopefully squash any urges for the plant to bolt. Planting seeds weekly will make sure that you don’t run out of lettuce. The greens need a consistent supply of moisture as they are almost 95 percent water but cannot tolerate wet roots. A quick and easy crop to grow, Lettuce is ideal to grow both in containers and in the veg plot. There are three types of lettuce for the winter-spring garden in our growing area: Proven looseleaf varieties. Thinning lettuce plants is simple. Leaf lettuce can be highly textured and vibrantly colored. Over time germination will take place and the seeds will need to be thinned. The most important resource when growing lettuce in containers is water. All Rights Reserved. I don’t know about you, but the lettuce seedlings that I’ve seen in my local garden centers are few and far between. Lettuce is a really popular vegetable that is really easy to grow. When you grow these kinds of vegetables, you want to induce them to bloom and produce large amounts of fruits that you can harvest. When growing lettuce in containers, remember that loose leaf and romaine need less space than head or stalk lettuces. When growing lettuce in containers or window boxes, set the plants out on 4-6” (10-15 cm) centers, or thin plants to this spacing. The largest types of lettuce typically need above twice or thrice that (up to 18 inches). Remember, if your plant thinks that it’s spring or summer, it could bolt and will cause it to be bitter and inedible. The physical attributes for how to grow lettuce in a container are just the media and pots but now we must turn our attention to sowing and management. Too much water can cause root rot. Ideally, the temperature around your lettuce plants should be between 55-65 degrees at night and 65-75 degrees during the day. This lettuce will add tons of texture to a salad. Let’s just visualize something for a moment. Check to make sure that the flower pot has holes in the bottom for drainage. Think tomatoes, cucumbers and watermelons. Lettuce that is exposed to temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit will bolt quickly. For fans of the textured and colorful lettuce, you’ll most definitely want to grow your lettuce from seeds so that you have plenty of options. Lettuce crops don’t take up much real estate vertically, but they do take up considerable space around them. There are numerous pest that enjoy lettuce as much as you do. In this article, growing your own salad leave mixes in containers have been discussed. Use this as a guide to see how far apart your lettuce plants need to be. Make sure there are adequate drainage holes in whatever container you chose. Lettuce grows easily in containers, even alongside other plants, but needs at least 6 inches of soil depth to grow well. Picture a wrung out dish sponge… That’s what your soil should feel like. Leaf lettuce needs less space than head lettuce so more plants can grow in the container. For seeds, simply use your finger to poke a hole to the proper depth (varies with variety of lettuce, but usually 1/4″- 1/2″). After you have planted the lettuce seeds, you’ll need to fill the pot the rest of the way with potting soil. There are three main types of leaf lettuce: red, oak and green. Wash used pots in hot, soapy water and rinse well. Lettuce can be grown in the shade or under larger crop plants that can provide it shade. Don’t pack the soil over the seed. Luckily, lettuce is not a space-driven plant. Leaf, romaine, iceberg, butterhead, and frisee are the most popular types of lettuce. Once your seeds have sprouted, you can start fertilizing them. Heads of lettuce can take up as much as 12″ of space, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. To grow cut-and-come-again salad greens you will need good-quality potting soil, some seeds and, of course, a container with drainage holes. Make sure it has drainage holes. Planting lettuce in container gardens can be done by direct sowing or transplants. Next, you’ll plant lettuce seeds in the pot. Sometimes when you order seeds from a seed company, the information on the seed packet is limited. A window box or raised bed is also a perfect location for growing lettuce. Lettuce is one of those plants that grows quickly, so it’s fun to watch it grow. Lettuce loves relatively rich soil, although the plants will grow in ordinary soil as well. There are so many types of lettuce to grow and home grown is so much fresher than the supermarket bags of lettuce, which seem to have a short shelf life. If you’re interested in hydroponic growing, check out this post that will answer your questions about the basics of hydroponics. Location is important for growing lettuce. Before we get into how exactly you’ll grow lettuce, let’s talk about the plant itself. As soon as the lettuce are ready harvest by cutting for cos and cabbage varieties or by pulling the outer leaves of the loose-leaf varieties. Join the Farminence community to get exclusive tips and information that only the Farminence community receives. Growing lettuce in containers is one of the easiest vegetables for container gardens. A general rule of thumb is to set transplants one every 4-6 inches. Sign up for our newsletter. The containers must be kept in a warm sunny position and as the lettuce plants are 90% water and hence need a lot of water to grow you must never let the soil dry out. Leaf lettuce: Plant 4 inches apart. It’s always easier to add more water than to remove it. By growing … Buy now Cover this up with soil as needed. Once the seedlings are nestled in place, give them a good watering. Using your knife, cut through the stem just below the head of lettuce. Your email address will not be published. Which Containers to Use Plastic pots or large garden bags are best. Once your soil has been wetted and drained, you can plant your lettuce. Combat them with blasts of water or insecticidal soap; and for slugs, trap them with containers of beer. All it needs are a standard potting soil, a little bit of water and lots of sunlight. Seeds are sown when soils are not frozen, ½ inch (1 cm.) Required fields are marked *. ‘Set’ AGM:A crisphead lettuce, this is easy to grow and produces large, solid hearts with crisp green leaves. Firm-headed types: Plant 16 inches apart. It’s an excellent plant to grow with children (or impatient adults) because it’s almost instant satisfaction. Cut at least 3 inches from the root base and set the stump aside. This really isn’t very different than what you would need to grow other crops, with the exception of a cool location. These containers will give you the most space for growing multiple types of lettuce. If you have some that seem to close together, simply pull up ones that are in the way. The highly curled leaves are excellent for catching and holding thin salad dressings, like vinaigrette. Lettuce is a cool-season crop. Lettuce has a short term but plentiful yield and requires minimal care. You’ll be watering your lettuce every day and you don’t want excess water sitting in the soil. Lettuce has shallow roots and responds best to consistent, shallow watering. There are several good reasons to sow your own seeds. The fact that you don’t want it to bloom will determine the environment that the lettuce needs to grow in and the nutrients that it needs. Before you sow your seeds, you need to fill your containers. I mentioned that starting lettuce from seeds is the best way to go. Your email address will not be published. Meaning, they need about 6 inches of free space around to grow. You can expect romaine lettuce to last a little longer in the refrigerator since it creates a head. I’ll share my 20+ years of agriculture knowledge with you so that you can feel comfortable raising livestock, gardening, preserving food and cooking delicious meals from scratch. Growing lettuce in containers makes it easy to bring them inside to grow year round. Lettuce that you’re not eating right away can be stored in the refrigerator. It can allow an early start because the pots are brought indoors during light freezes and left outdoors during early spring days. The size of the containers should be 6 to 12 inches deep, as lettuce roots need enough space … You can grow single heads in narrow pots, or grow multiple plants in a wide bowl. A bolted plant will start putting all of its energy and nutrients into flowering and not into the leaves of the plant. This lettuce doesn’t pack much punch when it comes to flavor, but the high water content makes it an excellent low-calorie variety. Romaine lettuce is crunchy and is the main lettuce in most Caesar salads. See our article with three simple steps, accompanied with a … It stands up on the plate rather than lying flat like traditional iceberg lettuce. If you find that growing lettuce isn’t your thing, you can always reuse this equipment to grow other crops, herbs or flowers. As a general rule of thumb, space seedlings 4 to 6 inches apart if you plan to harvest frequently. You’ve likely seen romaine lettuce in the grocery store. It makes much more sense to pay $3.00 for a package of ~40 seeds than it does to pay $3.00 and get two lettuce seedlings. You may have a hard time separating them and planting them far enough apart. To harvest heads of lettuce, you need a sharp knife. Find out more information or to grab your copy here: Vegetable Gardening in Containers. Hydroponic gardening involves growing plants in water, without soil. By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. Growing lettuces in containers require care from leaf eating insects. Lettuce can be grown in many types of containers, including containers that don’t even have soil in them. It’s also very simple to start your own seeds at home. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Many of these smaller hydroponics systems can fit on a counter or tabletop. Lettuce seeds are very small, which makes them hard to see and handle. If you’re interested in thinning out plants and harvesting some lettuce at the same time, check out the video below: This is the fun part! A soil mix is usually peat or compost, soil, and either vermiculite or perlite for water retention. Looseleaf is the easiest, quickest lettuce to grow. Growing lettuce in containers necessitates that you use a good quality soil. Plants grown in the garden need at least an inch per week; lettuce in pots need a bit more. If you can, start with a premium potting mix for veggies like Miracle-Gro® Potting Mix that feeds your plants for their entire growing life.Fill up the container almost to the top, leaving a … Find small hydroponics systems for growing lettuce here. 4. In order to get a steady supply of lettuce, stagger your plantings. When planting lettuce in containers, you’ll need to provide a soil depth of at least four inches for the lettuce roots to expand into. Put potting mix into your containers. Suitable salad greens for cut-and-come-again treatment include any of the looseleaf or mesclun blends, which might contain salads such as lettuce, endive, and arugula or rocket. For growing lettuce, select wide and shallow containers. This is a question that always comes up. For those of you that prefer more traditional types of lettuce like iceberg or romaine, then you’ll still probably want to grow lettuce from seeds just because of the price factor. Even a day or two of warm temperatures will cause lettuce to shoot up and become bitter. Lettuce leaves don’t mind getting wet, so don’t be shy about watering the entire plant and the soil around it. You don’t necessarily have to grow them in soil, although I would recommend that for beginners since it’s the safest option. Lettuce needs ample room for roots but you can grow several varieties in 6 to 12 inch (15-30 cm.) You can learn more about plant nutrition here. I like to pull up the smaller seedlings that look less vigorous and leave the stronger looking plants. This makes a difference in how you grow lettuce. Cut the outside leaves of loose lettuce when the leaves are young. deeper than they would be in garden soil and set 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm.) With that being said, lettuce seeds are TINY. It matures early and has soft leaves with a mild taste. Growing lettuce in containers helps avoid the need to weed your garden, risk of bug infestation and other issues that can cause your lettuce to wilt, especially when grown outdoors. If you have an abnormally warm day, you can help prevent bolting by keeping the plant watered. Pick a spot away from active heat sources and cold drafts, and inaccessible to mischievous, hungry pets. This is probably the most traditional indoor way of growing lettuce. The soil around your lettuce plants also needs to stay moist to help the plant think that it’s winter. Lettuce is so easy to grow that people consider it … Instead, plant a few the first week, then a week later plant a few more. Mildew, leaf spot, rot and a variety of bacterial infections are common diseases that can attack lettuce. When you purchase seeds, the seed packet should tell you how far apart to space the plants. Leafy lettuce can be harvested a little at a time. Iceberg lettuce makes a tightly developed head of leaves. In this article, many suggestions have been made, and this will enable you to be confident … ‘Nymans’ AGM:A Cos lettuce with deep read outer leaves and a rich green heart. It is also super simple. Choose a good quality potting mix. Butterhead lettuce falls somewhere in between iceberg and leaf lettuce when it comes to appearance. Use a professional soil mix for planting lettuce in container situations, as the mix is formulated to hold water and provide nutrients. They can be grown along with lettuce in the same conditions and can be tossed into salads for extra flavor, color, texture and nutrients. If you don’t want to invest in an elaborate hydroponics or aquaponics system, try your hand at growing in regular containers or small-scale hydroponics systems. Lettuce is a cool season crop and leaves develop best in cool but not chill temperatures. Don’t worry about being exact, just be sure they have plenty of room. What am I doing wrong?? This post contains affiliate links. If you’re serious about growing lettuce in containers, then you’ll want to grab a copy of my ebook Vegetable Gardening in Containers. Cutting the stem and not the head itself will help hold the head together and help extend the shelf life of the lettuce. Don’t put it out in full sun where it will think it’s getting warmer and bolt. Are you a fan of the salad bar at Ruby Tuesdays? They have the best salad bar with so many options. There’s no soil to get the plants dirty, so harvesting and cleaning the lettuce heads is really simple. For the best outcome, lettuce plants need to be grown with night temperatures between 55-65 degrees F and day temperatures between 65-75 degrees. If you don’t have a Ruby Tuesdays near you, then you’re missing out. Some varieties of lettuce, like iceberg or butterhead will take up the most space. Instead of buying prepared salad leaves, you can make your own to the way that you like it. ‘Tom Thumb’:A small butterhead lettuce perfect for growing in small spaces. They do need at least 6 inches of soil … If you’re planting seedlings, you’ll want to change your method slightly. This is especially true if you’re growing lettuce in containers. deep and 4 to 12 inches (10-30 cm.) The Mobile Salad Garden You can purchase cultivars that are less likely to bolt, but it’s still a good idea to keep lettuce in a cool location. Then spritz the soil with water. I’ve also put together an amazing tip sheet for you. Many chefs today prefer to make salads with lettuce that has bold color and texture. Lettuce is a great crop through fall, and container gardening works anywhere—especially small spaces! Understanding the plant can go a long way in helping you to be successful when growing it. There are two main types of butterhead lettuce: Boston and Bibb. Some seed coatings are designed to help the germination rate of seeds. Types of Lettuce. The first thing that comes to mind is maybe your soil is not draining properly and your lettuce is dampening off. The coating makes it easier to work with them. When growing lettuce in containers like wire baskets, it’s a good idea to incorporate some coconut coir to help with water retention, as the baskets tend to dry out quickly. Prior to planting add ½ tablespoon (7 ml.) You’re growing lettuce for the leaves, not the fruit. Some varieties, like Romaine, take up much less space around them than others. Growing lettuce in pots is an ideal way to have fresh greens at your fingertips, whether you live in a house or an apartment! TY. Follow these super simple steps to growing lettuce indoors from scrap: Pick a healthy romaine lettuce for this experiment. Some recommended varieties for growing lettuce in pots are Black Seeded Thompson and red or green oak leaf types. Growing Lettuce in containers needs the right type of pot and planting medium. Instead, fill the container and thoroughly wet the soil. Look over your lettuce seedlings. a miniature hydroponics system or aquaponics system, my FREE growing lettuce in containers tip sheet. Learn everything you need to know about growing lettuce in containers here! Growing lettuce in containers also allows you to control weeds and pests more easily than in a large garde… They do not have to be too deep but a wider surface allows you to grow more lettuce.plants. You will only need a standard potting soil, a little bit of water and plenty of sunlight. Growing Equipment. Water the plant itself, thoroughly soaking the leaves to cool the plant off. Choose a fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Because of that, you’ll need to be able to thin your lettuce plants when the time comes. Make sure that your containers have plenty of drainage holes, maybe more than you would think are necessary. Growing lettuce in containers requires the right type of pot and planting medium. You may notice some spaces where the soil around the plant sinks and exposes the roots. I planted lettuce in large tub type containers and shortly after they sprout they die. These leafy varieties create more of a head than leaf lettuce. Most commercial lettuce is grown hydroponically in greenhouses because it’s very effective and a clean way to grow lettuce. Growing vegetables at home is a great way to reduce your grocery bill and ensure a steady supply of fresh, nutritious foods. To view my affiliate disclaimer, click here. I love that they offer more than one type of lettuce. Once harvested, you can clean it up and eat it right away. If you purchase seeds, not only will you save money, but your options will open up tremendously. It may sound like a new concept, but it’s been used for thousands of years. In fact, it is one of the easiest crops to grow indoors. several good reasons to sow your own seeds, commercial lettuce is grown hydroponically in greenhouses. Some of the leafy varieties can be cut multiple times since there isn’t a head to remove. Thin the lettuce plants so there are two to three plants per gallon container. Smaller lettuce varieties can be grown around these larger varieties to make the most out of your container space. Some of them are designed for intensive greenhouse growing systems, but you can find smaller hydroponic systems. Lettuce grows well in small spaces, and you can have fresh salads all summer long if you have space for just a few pots. Use a sharp knife or scissors to remove individual leaves from leafy lettuce. Growing lettuce in containers is easier than you think! It also changes the flavor and texture of the leaves. You’re probably thinking “…so?”. Heads of lettuce can be stored in containers with a little bit of water in the bottom to help prevent the plant from wilting. However, if the plants are healthy there are fewer chances of infestation of pests or diseases. Lettuce has a short term yet plentiful yield and will only require minimal amount of care. Growing lettuce in containers is simple. In many cases, seeds are the most cost-effective option. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Not only will you learn how to grow vegetables, but you’ll learn all the ins and outs to get started with a successful container garden EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BROWN THUMB! Also, limit the amount of direct sunlight that your lettuce gets. Seeds with coating are much easier to work with though. Or maybe you’ve been to a restaurant that serves  a really good salad with weird lettuce. Most lettuce varieties are one-cut varieties. Growing lettuce using hydroponics and aquaponics is an efficient way of growing lettuce, but it’s not the only way. Begin with clean containers with multiple drainage holes. This means that once the head is ready to be harvested, you’ll cut it off and then replant in order to get more. If you plant lettuce in a space that is warm (>68 degrees F), then you’ll find that your lettuce bolts. How to grow lettuce in containers Choose a pot at least six inches deep. This causes the leaves to lose much of their nutritional value since nutrients are being pulled into the flowering parts of the plant. Growing lettuce is containers is a common practice fur urban gardeners. You may also see kale, spinach, radicchio and endives occasionally referred to as lettuce types. The leaves will grow back and then you can cut away the entire plant. Fill in the space around them with additional soil, making sure to cover the roots completely. As a general rule of thumb, lettuce heads will need 6-12″ of space per plant in a container. Smaller lettuce varieties can be grown around these larger varieties to make the most out of your container space. Start by deciding how many plants you want in each of the pots. You need a soil that can hold water and provide nutrients. 10-10-10 fertilizer is an excellent choice for growing lettuce. A quick flip through a seed catalog will show you that there are numerous types of lettuce available if you’re willing to start seeds. How to Grow Lettuce in Pots Lettuce is a cold season crop and that means it needs a cooler environment in order to grow. Normal flower pots can be used to grow lettuce. Normal flower pots can be used to grow lettuce. Lettuce ‘bolts’ or shoots up and blooms when the weather is warm enough. Just in case you’re not, I’ll include instructions for planting seedlings as well. Lettuce is a cool season crop and leaves develop best in cool but not chill temperatures. Lettuce plants can be grown in many types of containers and potting media. Prepare containers which correspond in size to your lettuce stump. When you’re filling your container, don’t fill it to the top. Because leaf lettuce doesn’t make a head, it doesn’t last as long once it’s harvested. If you aren’t, then you’re missing out. Although a romaine lettuce can grow in containers as small as a 4-inch pot, growth is optimum in larger containers where the soil doesn't dry as fast and there's room for root growth. apart. Some varieties of lettuce, like iceberg or butterhead will take up the most space. In fact, when I have seen them, they are often more expensive than purchasing a ready-to-eat head of lettuce, which defeats the purpose for me. There are so many colors and textures that you can create a lettuce container that is attractive. Water your lettuce daily. Iceberg lettuce is the classic lettuce variety. Lettuce plants thrive in soil that is rich. A one-gallon container can hold 2-3 plants depending on the variety you choose. These lettuce varieties don’t create a ‘head’ of lettuce, but instead a clump of tightly grown leaves. Seeded lettuce may be planted 2 to 3 weeks earlier. Fill the container 2/3 of the way full. Should you sow seeds or plant seedlings? Sorry. Container growing lettuce is a common practice for small space gardeners such as apartment dwellers. Many crop plants are grown for their fruits. Growing lettuce indoors is surprisingly easy. This is the lettuce that you usually find in a spring lettuce mix. Lettuce that has bolted is usually bitter in flavor. Growing lettuce in containers also allows you to control weeds and pests more easily than in a large gardening space and affords quick access when you want some leaves for a salad. Lettuce is different. Killing Slugs With Beer: How To Make A Beer Slug Trap, What Is Vermiculite: Tips On Using Vermiculite Growing Medium, Growing Lettuce In The Garden – How To Grow Lettuce Plants, Decorating With Plants – How Plants Can Transform A Space, Winter Orchid Requirements: Growing Orchids During Winter, Indoor Plant Problems: Mistakes People Make With Houseplants, Information About Coconut Liners For Planters And Baskets, Crinum Flowers: How To Grow Crinum Lilies, Caring For Barrel Cactus In The Garden – How To Grow Barrel Cactus, Winter Planning Process – Make To-Do Lists Happen, Fake Tree For The Holidays And Why I Love it, What Is The Winter Solstice: First Day Of Winter History, Fresh-Cut Pine Tree Smell: Perfect Christmas Tree Memories. As a general rule of thumb, lettuce heads will need 6-12″ of space per plant in a container. Transplants should be buried ¼ inch (0.5 cm.) Growing lettuce is a fast process, especially if you’re growing lettuce in containers in ideal conditions. It’s also important to realize that lettuce grows quickly and some types can be harvested in less than two months. Don’t plant all of your seeds at once. There are tons of hydroponic systems that you can grow lettuce in. Find the bottom of the head where all of the leaves come together into the stem. This is due to a colored coating that seed companies put around the seeds. Up on the seed packet is limited t worry about being exact just... Order to grow more lettuce.plants in hydroponic growing, check out this post that will answer questions! Grow that people consider it … growing lettuce to hold water and plenty of sunlight shade... Can fit on a counter or tabletop Certified urban Agriculturist with crisp green leaves way with potting soil,. More information growing lettuce in containers to grab your copy here: vegetable gardening in containers a. And fluffy bolted, but it ’ s almost instant satisfaction quality soil cut lettuce when it is one those! 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