About This Blog

This blog is an effort to build a stronger community of feminist law professors across geography, law schools, and scholarly subject areas. The righthand column lists law professors who self-identify as feminists, and provides links to their professional or personal web pages. Every feminist law professor is a unique individual, and nothing about her life, views or work should be presumed from her presence in the blogroll, other than that she considers herself a feminist.

This blog will highlight the publication of books and articles authored by feminist law profs, or that feminist law profs are likely to find of interest. It will also feature relevant CFPs and conference announcements. If you’d like to see something posted here, e-mail all pertinent information to: feministlawprof@yahoo.com

A note about comments: You need to register with Word Press to leave comments at this blog. It’s a relatively painless process, and will hopefully keep the spam and the trolls at bay.

The blog is currently being developed by Ann Bartow, and hosted by the University of South Carolina School of Law. Advice and suggestions about the blog are very welcome.

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0 Responses to About This Blog

  1. Toria says:

    This is amazing. I plan on passing this on to a few of professors.

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