Category Archives: Blog Administration

Introducing Summer Student Guest Blogger: 1stGenatYale

This summer, the Feminist Law Professors blog is pleased to welcome our first-ever undergraduate student co-blogger as part of the 1stGenYale Summer Bulldogs program.  The program matches undergraduates who are first gen students or on financial aid with faculty and/or … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Blogroll, 3 Additional Feminist Law Profs!

Welcome to these colleagues, newly added today! Jamelia Morgan (Connecticut) Sandra Simkins (Rutgers) Stacey Sobel (Western State University) Our blog roll ranks are increasing.  If you’re a full-time law prof and wish to be listed as a self-identified feminist law … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Blogroll, 8 Additional Law Profs!

Feminist Law Profs is pleased to add to the blogroll 8 more colleagues.  Some are new to the academy. Some are long-time teachers, scholars and friends.  All self-identify as feminists, whatever that means to them. Our blog roll ranks are … Continue reading

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Welcome to Blogroll, 25+ Additional Law Profs!

Feminist Law Profs is pleased to add to the blogroll 25 30+ colleagues (updated 9/10/18).  Some are new to the academy. Some are long-time teachers, scholars and friends.  All self-identify as feminists, whatever that means to them.  Welcome! Barbara Atwood … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Blogroll, Monash Colleagues!

Today we welcome to the blogroll ten fabulous feminist colleagues from Monash University, Faculty of Law (located in Melbourne, Australia): Renata Alexander Heli Askola Becky Batagol Rowena Cantley-Smith Melissa Castan Azadeh Dastyari Joanna Kyriakakis Janice Richardson Kate Seer Ronli Sifris … Continue reading

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FLP’s Busiest Blog Posts in 2010

Here are our most-viewed blog posts from 2010, in rank order: 1. Sexual Assault Prevention Tips Guaranteed to Work! Advice like this had cyber-legs:  “Always be honest with people! Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain … Continue reading

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Call for Guest Bloggers

We have over 300 feminist law professors in the blogroll and we’d like to hear from more of you.  If you are interested in a “guest blogging” stint, please send me an email at  Add your voice to the … Continue reading

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What’s Wrong with Cyberspace? An “Atrophied Sense of Humility and Charity”

Professor Alan Jacobs (English, Wheaton College) has a reflective post on “The Online State of Nature” over at Big Questions Online.  It is inspired at least in part by the cartoon at right (image source: here at I have … Continue reading

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Blog on hiatus due to technical issues.

Hopefully blogging will resume soon.

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Feminist Concern Troll Bingo!


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Bridget Crawford is fantastic!

Everybody who knows Bridget already knows this of course. But I thought I’d remark on it anyway.     I’m very very lucky to have her as a friend and co-administrator of this blog. –Ann Bartow

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Hilarious Troll Beatdown


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Happy Birthday Bridget Crawford!

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If you can’t see the blogroll or admin links, it’s because you are using Internet Explorer. Try the Firefox browser!

Will try to correct whatever is wrong, but meanwhile the blog looks just fine with Firefox…

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Follow Feminist Law Professors on Twitter

You can subscribe to our Twitter feed  here. We Feminist Law Profs can tweet ourselves. We don’t need someone else to do it for us.  (See today’s NY Times on “ghost twitterers” here.) -Bridget Crawford

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The Blog Looks Best With A Firefox or Safari Browser

Looks kinda freakish with IE, and you can’t see the blogroll. We’ll try to fix this but meanwhile, here’s another reason to give up IE!

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Paul Secunda, “Blogging While (Publicly) Employed: Some First Amendment Implications”

Abstract: While private-sector employees do not have First Amendment free speech protection for their blogging activities relating to the workplace, public employees may enjoy some measure of protection depending on the nature of their blogging activity. The essential difference between … Continue reading

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We’re Back

This new Feminist Law Professors website is now up and running.  The old site will not be updated. We did lose some posts and comments from the last two days (sorry!), along with our Technorati stats.  The rest of the … Continue reading

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We Can’t Blog Effectively Without Cuss Words, So We’ve Migrated The Blog Outside South Carolina

Ah, the heady allure of free speech and academic freedom! Visit us at our new location: There may be a few bugs as we sort this all out, apologies in advance for this. –Ann Bartow

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Site Maintenance

Beginning today, the site may be running slowly and contributors will not be able to post for approximately 24 hours.  We are addressing/fixing/upgrading technical aspects of the blog.  Apologies for any inconveniences. -Bridget Crawford

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Thanks to the ABA Law Journal for featuring FLP as its “Blawg of the Week”

Check it out!

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Again with the lies and mischaracterizations regarding the Ms. cover…

In response to this ridiculous crap, (see also) I posted the comment below, which may or may not make it through moderation over there: ****** I am not a PUMA. I agree with the PUMA goal of calling out sexism … Continue reading

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Wishing You Peace Today And Always

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The Comments to the U of Chicago Law School’s Faculty Blog Post About Its New Comments Policy Were So Abusive, Comments Had To Be Closed.

I kid you not: Comments on this post have been disallowed, and previous comments removed. It has become clear that the Law School’s initial decision to err on the side of leniency, and to expect our readers to adhere not … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving


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Canadians Seem Very Happy About Obama’s Victory

Spent yesterday in Sumter, South Carolina doing voter protection, but today I am in Canada, and everyone here I’ve spoken to is thrilled about Obama replacing Bush as US President. No more wars, is the fervent hope I keep hearing … Continue reading

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Well, hopefully…

I’ll be doing “voter protection” work tomorrow so blogging will be light.

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American Law Institute Shows Outstanding Judgment And Elects Professor Bridget J. Crawford as Member

Official story here, which notes: “Election to the ALI is considered one of the highest honors in the legal profession.” No doubt it was her terrific blogging here that clinched her election. The following was probably also helpful: Professor Crawford’s … Continue reading

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A Great Loss

I just learned that today a recent graduate of our law school was killed. She was a terrific person, and her parents are two of the finest people I know, period. I wish the blogosphere was the kind of place … Continue reading

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“The internet is not going to coddle and comfort you. In fact, the internet wants you out of here.”

That’s a quote from Ann Althouse on the subject of women and law blogging. I had to extract it from a much longer post larded with the usual Althousian misogynistic exceptionalism, but this part at least makes a lot of … Continue reading

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Female Voices in the Legal Blogosphere

Via Diane Amman, IntLawGrrls Monica Bay, The Common Scold Kathleen Bergin and Josie F. Brown, First Amendment Law Prof blog Nicole Black, Sui Generis Julie Fleming Brown, Life at the Bar Mary Dudziak, Legal History Blog Carolyn Elefant, My … Continue reading

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Mary Dudziak on Women and Law Blogging

A twofer: Women and Blogging: what you can do right now at the Legal History Blog and cross-posted at Balkinization.

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