“Dirty and Wild: the New Outdoor Woman”

This article by a Mississippi sports writer is so patronizing that at first I thought it was satirical. Here is an excerpt:

“Seems like every time you turn around outdoors there’s a woman in sight. They are paddling canoes, catching fish and setting up tents and recreational vehicles in thousands of locations once thought of as ‘men only’ territories.

“The outdoors isn’t just the mens’ world anymore. Each year more women are taking to the woods and having a great time doing it. In some states more than half of all fishing licenses are bought by women, and the number of women hunting grows each year.

‘How has this come about?

“There are lots of reasons more women are getting out.

“The increase in working women provided the ladies with income that doesn’t have to be wheedled from the man of the house.

“Girls in the 1970s and 1980s were empowered by mothers who took liberation seriously and employers who were pressured to create more ‘minority’ opportunities. Suddenly, it was all right for a lady to drive a bulldozer or put shoes on your horse. ….

“… The main problem for many new women hunters is finding someone to show them what to do. They may know how to shoot a rifle or shotgun, but that doesn’t mean they know where to place their tree stand or how to call a turkey.

“Give them a chance. If you meet a woman in camo, be friendly and ask if she needs help. Dragging a 180-pound buck out of the woods is hard, doing it when the buck weighs almost twice as much as the hunter is almost impossible.

“So share your knowledge and strength; there’s plenty of room in the woods and on the water for us all.”

Via “I Blame The Patriarchy.”

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