She Blames The Patriarchy

If you aren’t reading I Blame The Patriarchy you are missing some very zesty commentary, such as this post, which starts out: “Imagine my surprise when a recent post in which I waxed autobiographical about my former life as a rock star devolved, in the comments, into a discussion on BDSM. I kid, I kid! I wasn’t really surprised. All posts on feminist blogs eventually devolve into discussions on BDSM. There’s a Usenet term for this phenomenon. It’s called Geekwad’s Law.”

The reader is advised in the sidebar that: “I Blame The Patriarchy exists to advance the radical feminist views of Twisty Faster, a gentleman farmer and spinster aunt eating dinner in Austin, Texas. I Blame The Patriarchy is intended for advanced patriarchy-blamers. It is not a feminist primer.”

FAQs about the blog are posted here. If the FAQs offend or disorient you, probably best not to head over to the main page.

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