“Sexy” Jobs and Evolutionary Bogosity

So it turns out that a seemingly pointless “national survey” of exceedingly questionable methodology has ascertained that “firefighters” have the “sexiest” form of employment. Could this be related to their intimacy with hoses? Second place went to “flight attendants” because next to putting out fires, what could possibly be hotter than pointing out emergency exits, dispensing softdrinks, enforcing safety regulations and wrestling suitcases into overhead compartment bins. “Law professors,” inexplicably enough, are not listed at all (nor “Bloggers” either), but “Lawyers” register at the number ten spot, immediately below doctors, but a slot above veterinarians, possibly because lawyers only *figuratively* castrate other beings? The sheer stupidity of the “survey” becomes apparent when it is discussed in this article at Firehouse.com, which finds it necessary to insipidly report:

Some experts, like evolutionary psychologist David Buss, believe that what we imagine to be sexy today is the result of eons of human history. Back in prehistoric times, our female ancestors figured out that attractive mates were men who could protect the family from danger and put that wooly mammoth on the table. Men wanted women who could bear them healthy children and take care of things back at the cave.

And despite all our claims of enlightened, politically correct, liberated 21st century ways, surveys such as the sexiest jobs poll reveal that what we find most appealing in the opposite sex probably hasn’t changed all that much over the millennia.

So women are attracted to firefighters as a primal need for protection from fire, despite the existence of fire extinguishers and 911 emergency response teams, not to mention electric and gas heat and the general lack of open flames in our everyday lives, scented candles notwithstanding. And men are attacted to flight attendants based on urges to procreate in orderly caves, with clubs and slingshots safely beneath the stalactites in front of them and stone tablets stowed in a upright postion during takeoff and landing of what, exactly?

–Ann Bartow

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