That “Men’s Reproductive Rights” Suit

The National Center for Men has brought a lawsuit it is calling: ROE vs. WADE… FOR MEN TM

Yes, the organization is apparently asserting trademark rights in the phrase “Roe vs. Wade… for Men,” and I can’t be the only one having flashbacks to those old “Hair Club For Men” tv commercials in which Sy Sperling confessed:”I’m not only the Hair Club President, I’m also a client!”

NB: You can google “National Center for Men” to see their site, I prefer not to link. Now about that suit:

After she “ruminated seriously about men’s reproductive choice for a whole 10 seconds” Amy’s Brain Today at Feminist Reprise “came up with some suggestions for helping these poor guys control their fertility.” You can read them here.

“Shakespeare’s Sister” has posted some related commentary here, and Twisty at “I Blame the Patriarchy” comments here.
–Ann Bartow

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