Dr. Helene Gayle: “The Global Impact of HIV/AIDS” on 4/11 in NYC

Tuesday, April 11, 6:00 PM
Julius Held Lecture Hall
Room 304 Barnard Hall

“On Tuesday, 11 April, the Center joins the Barnard Department of Biology in welcoming Dr. Helene Gayle, recently appointed President and CEO of CARE, an international poverty-fighting organization, to discuss the global impact of HIV/AIDS. HIV is the most devastating disease humankind has ever faced. Since the beginning of the epidemic, AIDS has killed over 25 million people. Today, it is estimated that over 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. Although, HIV continues to affect people throughout the world, the vast majority of new infections are among people in developing countries. And while treatment in countries such as Brazil, Argentina and Cuba now exceeds over 80%, in the majority of developing countries coverage is limited: in Africa, for instance, only 1 in 10 people in need of treatment was receiving it as of mid-2005.

“It is a bleak picture, to be sure, but not one without hope. In addition to giving an overview of the epidemic on a global level, Dr. Gayle will discuss how HIV prevention strategies can reduce the incidence of new infections and be cost-effective in developing countries. The most highly cost-effective strategies for prevention include condom promotion, STD control, voluntary counseling & testing, female condom promotion, injection drug user interventions, screening blood supply, and antiretroviral drugs to prevent mother- to-child transmission.” …

This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to bcrw@barnard.edu The Barnard Center for Research on Women

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