Voting Down Meanness and Heteronormativity in November

Mean, privileged South Carolinians once made it illegal for women to work in many occupations, to vote, or to own property, and then looked down upon them for their poverty and dependence. They made it illegal for black people to learn to read, and then censured and looked down upon them for their illiteracy. They prevented all women and black men from attending good schools, and then oppressed and looked down upon them for their lack of education.

Come November 7, 2006, Election Day, the forces of meanness will seek to amend the South Carolina Constitution to prevent certain adults from ever marrrying or forming domestic partnerships. Of course, unmarried individuals will then be deprived of rights and looked down on for their “immorality.” Article XVII would be amended with this hateful addition:

A marriage between one man and one woman is the only lawful domestic union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. This State and its political subdivisions shall not create a legal status, right or claim respecting any other domestic union, however denominated. This State and its political subdivisions shall not recognize or give effect to a legal status, right or claim created by another jurisdiction respecting any other domestic union, however denominated. Nothing in this section shall impair any right or benefit extended by the State or its political subdivisions other than a right or benefit arising from a domestic union that is not valid or recognized in this State. This section shall not prohibit or limit parties, other than the State or its political subdivisions, from entering into contracts or other legal instruments.

Here’s what a straight, white guy had to say about that:

“The Democratic Party has a long and proud history in the fight for civil rights. We are the party that has always believed in equal rights under the law for all people, and we will continue to fight until every American, including our family and friends in the LGBT community, is treated with the respect and equality they deserve. There’s no place in civil discourse for hate and discrimination. America deserves better. Democrats support full and total inclusion of LGBT persons and their families into the life of our nation. We believe in equality for all families. We support the right of gay and lesbian Americans to serve openly in our military. We support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to allow all Americans to work without fear of being fired because of their sexual orientation. We support further LGBT health research. Our nation’s most sacred document, the United States Constitution, is intended to expand liberties, not limit them; and we will fight any attempt to use our Constitution to discriminate for political gain.” Howard Dean, Democratic National Committee Chairman.

The Democratic Party hasn’t won very much in South Carolina lately, but if everyone who has been less than a full citizen in this state gets out and votes, maybe we can defeat this odious Amendment.

–Ann Bartow

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