The Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference

A little over a month ago Oxford held an “Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference.” The program included:

Prof. Sheila Jeffreys, University of Melbourne:
“Not just about pornography: the radical politics of Andrea Dworkin”

Prof. Alison Assiter, University of the West of England and author, Enlightened Women:”Pornography: its significance for feminism”

Finn Mackay, Chair of London Feminist Network:”Prostitution and Andrea Dworkin’s relevance to young feminists”

Professor Valerie Bryson, University of Huddersfield:”Andrea Dworkin, feminist political thought and the role of men”

Michael Moorcock, author Between the Wars: “Andrea: A Tribute” (read by Dr Ben Jackson)

Julie Bindel, journalist, founder of Justice for Women and co-editor, The Map of my Life: the story of Emma Humphreys:”Myths about Andrea Dworkin”

John Stoltenberg, author, The End of Manhood:”What Andrea knew about her work”

Professor Catharine MacKinnon, University of Michigan (Plenary Address)

The talks that were given at the Conference (plus the Q&A that followed) can be listed to here.

In addition, a number of feminist bloggers have posted transcripts of the talks, which they transcribed themselves. I don’t know enough about the domestic copyright laws of the U.K. to weigh in about the legality of this, but by gosh the morality seems evident enough. Here are the transcripts available so far:

Finn Mackay’s talk at Laurelin in the Rain.

Alison Assiter’s talk at Witchy-woo.

Sheila Jeffreys’ talk at Another Radical Feminist.

John Stoltenberg’s talk at Another Radical Feminist.

Catharine MacKinnon’s talk at Another Radical Feminist. A transcript of the Q&A that followed is available here.

–Ann Bartow

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