Vintage Drug Ads


Yikes. Many more here. See also, Our Bodies, Our Blog.

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0 Responses to Vintage Drug Ads

  1. Patrick Seamus says:

    Ambien, Zoloft, Lunestra, Nexium, Viagra, Vioxx, Lipitor, Claritin, Procrit, Enbrel, Prilosec, Paxil, Celebrex, Allegra, Meridia…. I’m armed with quite a list to ‘ask my doctor’ about.

    Seriously, after reading the fine print, most of these drugs scare the hell out me. I think not a few times the side effects are worse than what ails one. For-profit-medicine, exquisitely exemplified by Big Pharma, runs roughshod over any number of values intrinsic to ‘the good life’ (in a eudaimonistic sense), as ethical concerns become the prerogative of cranks and eccentrics insufficiently apprised of the fundamental importance of ‘the bottom line.’

    Important article: Marcia Angell, ‘The Truth about Drug Companies,’ The New York Review of Books, Vol. 51, No. 12 (July 15, 2004):