Raeder on Domestic Violence in Federal Court: Abused Women as Victims, Survivors and Offenders

Feminist Law Prof Myrna Raeder has posted to ssrn her article, “Domestic Violence in Federal Court: Abused Women as Victims, Survivors and Offenders.”   Here is a portion of the abstract:

While domestic violence is typically thought of as a state crime, this article discusses domestic violence related prosecutions in federal court. Four federal crimes are studied: interstate domestic violence, interstate travel to violate a restraining order, and two possession of weapon offenses committed by individuals who are either subject to a qualifying restraining order or have been convicted of a qualifying domestic violence misdemeanor. The article … describes the various ways in which domestic violence impacts women who are prosecuted in federal court for a variety of crimes, and argues that domestic violence should be taken into account when a female offender is sentenced for a crime that relates to her history of abuse.

The full article is available here.

-Posted by Bridget Crawford

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