Holiday Porn Spam Analyzed

By A Stormy Blog, here. Stormy writes:

…as a marketing type person, and a radfem, I thought I’d do a quick analysis of the content of pornie-spam. Looking at this spam (or anything promoted) through advertising eyes almost always reveals what the advertiser (or supplier) thinks of as the ‘best bits’ of his/her product. As porn is the product being promoted, what do these advertisers think of as the ‘best bits’? …

… Surprise, surprise, rape was mentioned in 30 of the 31 porn-spams. It may actually have been mentioned in the 31st, however, the WP-Akismet dashboard now only gives a truncated bit of the message.

What was surprising (ok, not really), but the spam messages that mentioned rape as their drawcard, usually mentioned it more than once. Only 2 of the 30 mentioned it once (assuming that in the full message they didn’t mention it more). The ‘winner’ of the truncated spams was a mention of rape NINE TIMES in the three-line extract.

So, the Number 1 draw of porn is… rape.

Read the whole post and check out the charts and graphs here.


FWIW, this blog gets about 400 spammings daily, and the vast majority are usually porn related. I’ve been told “I bring this on myself” by periodically posting about porn. This doesn’t explain why my friends running (e.g.) knitting blogs get porn spam, unless there is something about yarn and needles that I’m missing.

–Ann Bartow

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