“Babes Against Bush” Website No Longer Operative

Does this make you feel empowered?


Or does it make you want to pull your hair out? Three years ago I was a subscriber to The Nation, which maintains a blog called ActNow!. Then in December of 2003, I read this post there and I wondered yet again whether or not I was a liberal. Here is an excerpt:

Thirteen beautiful women versus one hideous president.

Babes Against Bush is taking protest politics in an unlikely direction. A new group from southeastern Michigan, B.A.B. is looking to attract attention to a cause–unseating George W. Bush in 2004–and hoping to spur more people to take notice of some basic facts about the Bush Administration by using the venerable, politically incorrect vehicle of the “pinup girl” as the medium for its message.

Why? “Because hot chicks hate him too.”

“What could be more un-American than that election-hijacking, economy-wrecking, war-mongering chimp George W. Bush?” the group asks on its website. “What could be more All-American than thirteen beautiful young women, exercising their first amendment right to thumb their nose at our bozo president?”

The result is the Official Babes Against Bush Regime Change Calendar, which counts off the number of days remaining until “the moving vans pull up to the White House.” Lavishly produced in glossy color, each of the thirteen months’ pages feature one anti-Bush babe as well as well-informed facts and figures detailing the failures and lies of the Bush Administration.

It’s only $11.00! Click here to buy a copy.

I didn’t renew my subscription, despite the fact that this periodical publishes some excellent op-eds. The women writing there are fantastic, but there are still so few of them. And Peter “Babes Against Bush” Rothberg is still in control of ActNow!, though I note that “Babes Against Bush” itself is no longer operative online.

–Ann Bartow

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