I Watched It In Fifth Grade

This. About which NY Magazine notes:

Hey, it turns out that despite their policy of sending out dismissive rejection letters to any women who dared to apply for animation jobs, golden-age Walt Disney Pictures was actually totally on women’s sides. How can we tell? This long-lost 1946 animated Disney film, The Story of Menstruation, a Disney/Kotex co-production, which used an adorable, footless animated lass to set young ladies of the forties straight on the real story behind the mysterious changes their bodies were going through. Without Disney, our mothers and grandmothers never would have learned that:

1. The vagina is a long, antiseptic tube leading from the uterus to … somewhere!

2. “Once you stop feeling sorry for yourself and take Those Days in your stride, you’ll find it’s easier to remain even-tempered.”

3. “There’s nothing strange nor mysterious about menstruation. All life is built on cycles,” and menstruation’s part of this one: Baby => Young woman => Menstruation => Dancing with a boy => A big white wedding dress => Baby.

4. Menstruation has nothing to do with sex.

–Ann Bartow

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