Upcoming Conference: “Feminist Theory & Economic Vulnerability”

Feminist Theory & Economic Vulnerability

March 7-8, 2008

University of Colorado Law School

For a schedule of speakers, click here.

A registration forms will be available soon.

This workshop, co-sponsored by the Feminism and Legal Theory Project and the Colorado Law School, will explore a range of disciplinary perspectives on the concept of economic vulnerability.

The basic premise underlying the move toward vulnerability is that our current ways of defining who is entitled to legal protection and state subsidy and support are rapidly becoming inadequate, perhaps even irrelevant. Political alliances and analytical categories organized around race, gender, disability, sexuality, and class have proven limited and often divisive. Although post-modern fear of essentializing makes us wary of generalities, both theory and politics require some appeal to the universal. The concept of vulnerability has the potential to unite across differences. This workshop will focus specifically on the economic aspects of vulnerability and the role of the state and globalization in structuring economic vulnerability in the twenty-first century.

To see the original call for papers, click here.

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