Imagining Sadie ~ Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander

“Imagining Sadie”is a short film produced by Penn Law students Haley Goldman, J.D. 2009; B.B. Liu, J.D. 2008; and Melissa Mao, J.D. 2009.   It tells the story of Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander as she exists in the imaginations of students attending the University of Pennsylvania Alexander Partnership School which is located in West Philadelphia, not too far from Penn’s campus.   Mrs. Alexander was the first black female graduate of Penn Law School, as well as the first black woman in America to receive a Ph.D. in economics (also from Penn).   With song, drawings, and commentary the students of the school bearing her name reveal how mightily her example impacts their goals and self-image.

The video is available here.

-Regina Austin

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