Steal This Seal

Here’s the official University of South Carolina Seal:

Here is a two color version with “sample” across the front to prevent subversive bloggers like me from making illicit millions by using it without permission:

Here’s the official University information about the seal:

The seal of the University was adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 26, 1803. The University seal quotes the Latin poet Ovid, “Emollit Mores Nec Sinit Esse Feros,” which is translated as “Learning humanizes character and does not permit it to be cruel.”

Beneath the words stand the figures of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, and Liberty. Minerva’s shield is decorated with the seal of the state of South Carolina. Together, the words and image remind us that a university education builds not only intellect, but also character. The Latin inscription below the figures is the school name and founding year of 1801.

Use of the seal is restricted and requires permission from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The seal is primarily used to identify formal University occasions such as University commencements and Board matters.

And here’s my alternative seal, which I offer readers the use of royalty free. You’re welcome!

This seal of the University was adopted by a bored and punchy Law Professor on December 16, 2008. The University seal quotes some tourist, probably from Ohio,”ignis, acqua et lex. And also mosquitos”which is translated as”fire, water and light. And also mosquitoes.”

Beneath the words stand a pile of books, like you might find in various corners of the University of South Carolina. Together, the words and image remind us that a university education builds not only intellect, but also character. And to always carry sunscreen, an umbrella, and bug repellent.

Use of this seal is unrestricted and does not require permission from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

–Ann Bartow

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0 Responses to Steal This Seal

  1. bob coley jr says:

    Can I get a tote bag with the seal that holds enough suplies to protect me for at least one day and hold my books? Or must I use my engineeriing skills? If I make beaucoup bucks, I’ll buy you a years supply of faux bacon! Taste tested by me first of course.