The Awesome Candidate X Has A Shiny New Job!

Candidate X guest posted here, asking for advice about going on the teaching market while breastfeeding an infant. FLP readers offered a lot of kind support both on blog and off. No surprise there – you’re feminists! Here’s an update from her:

Happy New Year! I wanted to thank you for your help with my meat market issue and to let you know how everything worked out. At the meat market itself, I was able to schedule my interviews around my breastfeeding schedule with no problem. Breastfeeding did cause me to be more selective in accepting invitations to call-backs; the practice was not worth leaving my son in my mind where I did not think I would ultimately accept an offer. Anyway, I did accept an offer at [Very Good Law School]. I told their Chair that I needed time built in my schedule for breastfeeding and s/he put in breaks where I asked for them and gave me a private office with a lock. S/he never told anyone else what the breaks were for and no one even blinked. So, it was successful and discreet. Thanks for all of your help!

-Candidate X

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