An Answer to a Man’s Question,”What Can I Do About Women’s Liberation?”

An Answer to a Man’s Question,
“What Can I Do About Women’s Liberation?”

by Susan Griffin

Wear a dress.
Wear a dress that you made yourself, or bought in a
dress store.
Wear a dress and underneath the dress wear elastic,
your hips, and underneath your nipples.
Wear a dress and underneath the dress wear a sanitary
Wear a dress and wear sling-back, high-heeled shoes.
Wear a dress, with elastic and a sanitary napkin
and sling-back shoes on your feet, and walk down
Telegraph Avenue.
Wear a dress, with elastic and a sanitary napkin and sling-
back shoes on Telegraph Avenue and try to run.

[Read the rest here.]

–Ann Bartow (thanks to Jennifer McLune)

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