image source: memphis connect.com
The Dalai Lama was in Memphis, Tennessee today to receive the National Civil Rights Museum’s “International Freedom Award,” given to “an individual whose work has had global impact or has impacted the state of human and civil rights abroad.” Today’s Memphis Flyer reported here on the Dalai Lama’s remarks at the ceremony:
During his closing remarks at the International Freedom Award ceremony in the Peabody Grand Ballroom today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama called upon women to help create a more compassionate world.
“I call myself a feminist,”said the Dalai Lama.”Isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?”
The audience erupted in laughter and applause. The Dalai Lama went to on say that women are more prone to compassion, since they have the responsibility of bearing children. * * *
“Whether you believe this religion or that religion, we are all the same human beings,”said the Dalai Lama.”We all come from the same mother. That creates the basis for compassion.”
The Dalai Lama gave the Memphis mayor a fist bump, too.
-Bridget Crawford
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