Webinar on Teaching Reproductive Rights – “What is the Role for Transnational Law?” on Friday, November 13th, from 3 – 4pm (Eastern).

The webinar will focus on an important new article by Professor Martha Davis of Northeastern   -“Reproductive Rights in the Legal Academy: A New Role for Transnational Law,”which was published in the American Journal of Legal Education in September. The article can be found on SSRN here:

As you will see, the article summarizes Professor Davis’ research and findings about how reproductive rights are currently being taught in US law schools and opens the conversation about the value of bringing in comparative and international law.

Responding to Professor Davis will be Professor Erika George from the University of Utah.

After hearing from the presenters and responders, we will open up the call for conversation. We hope to both discuss Martha’s findings, and hear some personal experiences with teaching reproductive rights and using (or not using) non-U.S. materials. The call is intended to be collegial and informal and to promote reflection and exchange about current teaching approaches.

This webinar is part of the CRR’s wider Law School Initiative which, as you may know, has undertaken a range of activities to encourage teaching and scholarship around reproductive rights. For teaching, we are focusing on the value of bringing in comparative and international law. To that end, we have produced supplemental course modules for law teachers who would like to integrate transnational materials into their teaching of Family Law, Reproductive Rights, and Reproductive Technology and Bioethics. More about what the Law School Initiative has been up to can be found here: http://reproductiverights.org/en/our-work/law-school-initiative.

–via Diana Hortsch, Director of the Law School Initiative, Center for Reproductive Rights

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