Call for Volunteers: Paying it Forward to other Women in Legal Education

Feminist Law Prof Colleen Medill (Nebraska), on behalf of the AALS Section on Women in Legal Education, is assembling a list of women law profs who might be willing to share materials, experiences, perspectives, etc. with other women law profs.

Might you be willing to (or ever need someone who would) …

  • share lecture notes;
  • provide advice and suggestions on early drafts of scholarly articles;
  • provide advice on being an untenured faculty member who is pregnant;
  • provide advice on being an untenured faculty member who is adopting a child;
  • provide advice on making a lateral move;
  • provide advice on being a consultant/expert witness;
  • provide advice concerning how to get a book contract and publish a book;
  • provide advice concerning a career move into law school administration;
  • provide advice concerning tenure issues unique to religiously-affiliated law schools;
  • provide advice concerning blogging;
  • advise about negotiating faculty dynamics; or
  • advise about classroom management and student issues?

If so, please fill out  this short form and return it via email to Professor Medill at

-Bridget Crawford

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