The Sisterhood on “Mad Men”

The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Gina Barreca weighs in on the Women of AMC’s “Mad Men,” here. Comments Ms. Barreca,

Sisterhood, smisterhood. You know what’s really powerful? Women laughing together. Really laughing. Truth-laughing. Even when it’s all not politically or sentimentally perfect. Even when it’s down at the expense of another woman. Or–even better– at the expense of the women themselves. It’s most especially glorious when it’s done at the expense of the sort of weirdly conventional absurdities that remain unrecognized as the bizarre things they actually are, when women laugh their asses off because they simply cannot believe what’s happened. It’s something you’ve almost never seen on television; even in movies, you only get a glimpse here and there. But in last night’s Mad Men season finale, they got it right: the writers, the actors, the direction—even the blocking in the scene—were perfect.

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