Call for Volunteers/Organizers AALS Section on Women in Legal Education

Professor Danne Johnson (Oklahoma City), AALS Section on Women in Legal Education Chair, passes along this information about possible volunteer opportunities within the Section on Women in Legal Education and points of contact.   Please reach out to committee chairs if you are interested.  Calls for papers associated with the 2012 WILE panels will be issued shortly.


Committee 1: The Mentoring Committee is looking for a few additional members.  If you are interested in becoming involved with the Mentoring Committee or being a mentor, please contact Professor Colleen Medill, at   The list of Section members who are volunteer mentors is located here.

Committee 2: The Worklife Committee is looking for a few women who can work on worklife issues.  The work is letter-drafting and advocacy within the academy and with the AALS. If you are interested please contact Professor Laura Kessler at

Committee 3: The Newsletter Committee needs a few good story-chasers.  If you are interested please contact Professor Linda Jellum at

Volunteers are also needed to develop the programs for the 2012 Annual Meeting. The detailed descriptions of the various panels are below.


Panel/Program 1: Becoming Relevant Outside the Legal Academy: Non-Traditional Scholarship and Social Change

Panel Description:   In recent years, scholars have begun to reach outside of the legal academy with their scholarship–on blogs and other social media, in articles and opinion pieces for  newspapers and magazines, in amicus briefs and white papers, in popular books and novels, and through grant-funded research.    The panelists will discuss their experiences with nontraditional forms of scholarship and debate its advantages and disadvantages in terms of the tenure and promotion processes, compensation and benefits, and  the general public’s  perception of the legal academy.  One or more panelists will be selected from a call for presentations

Three Committee Members Needed:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the panel planning committee to identify appropriate speakers and select one or more panelists from the call for presentations.  To volunteer please contact Professor Colleen Medill, at or Professor Nancy Levit, at‎

Panel/Program 2: New Voices in Gender Studies

This panel offers paper presentations by the winners of the New Voices in Gender Studies paper competition, sponsored by the Women in Legal Education Section. The papers relate to women in legal education; aspects of women’s relationship to the law; or gender, sexuality and the law. This competition for innovative works of scholarship is open to law professors who have been teaching for five years or less.  One or more presenter(s) will be selected from a call for papers.

Three Committee Members are Needed: A committee of scholars from the Section selected the winners.  To volunteer please contact Professor Linda Jellum, at or Professor Kirsten Davis, at

Panel/Program 3: Speed Mentoring

This program will allow members to expand their networks in a fun and non-threatening way.  Bring your cards and be ready to make new contacts and friends.

Three Committee Members are Needed:  People interested in this concept who are highly organized need to work to arrange the program so that participants can achieve their goals.  To volunteer please contact Professor Bridget Crawford, at

Program/Panel 4: Community Service

The Section will sponsor a hands-on community service project in the Washington, D.C. area during the 2012 annual meeting.

Three Committee Members are Needed: A committee will work to develop a placement site for volunteers, and other logistic issues.  To volunteer please contact Professor Danne Johnson, at

The AALS Section on Women in Legal Education is committed to inclusiveness and diversity.  Please lend a hand, add your voice and get involved in this great section.

-Bridget Crawford

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