Call for Papers – Comparative Sex Regimes and Corporate Boards


Comparative Sex Regimes and Corporate Boards

Pace International Law Review Symposium – Pace Law School

Pace Law School – February 8, 2013

 Pace Law School will host a symposium on quotas for gender equality on corporate boards on February 8th, 2013.  Throughout Europe, countries are following the lead of Norway in adopting quotas for women’s representation on corporate boards.  This move represents a major shift in corporate governance norms and in efforts to attain sex equality in the workplace.  Multiple disciplines, national frames and perspectives will foster a deeper understanding of these measures. Some of the questions we may explore include: Are these measures designed to achieve good governance, women’s empowerment, or gender balance?  Are quotas an effective tool to realize those objectives?  If not, how might boards circumnavigate around them?  What are possible unintended consquences of quotas?  Will corporate governance change once capital has been (partly) feminized?  Is the French differentiation between diversity and mixité (gender diversity) relevant?   This Symposium will bring together thinkers for a variety of disciplines and perspectives to analyze and comprehend the meaning and impact of such quotas.  This interaction, it is hoped, will foster broader collective and individual analysis and knowledge production on the phenomenon of corporate board quotas.

Pace Law School has reserved one space on the symposium schedule for proposed papers.  Those not chosen to present may be invited to publish in the symposium volume.  Interested contributors should submit abstracts (of up to two pages) for essays or full papers.  Manuscripts will be accepted on a rolling basis; however, the final deadline for submissions is October 15, 2012.   In the subject line of your email, please type: CFP Conference Submission.  Your abstract must contain your full contact information.    Practitioners’ and activists’ papers need not follow a strictly academic format, but all paper proposals should address the conference theme.  Interested student scholars are welcome. We will notify presenters of selected papers by mid-November.  A working draft of the paper will be due no later than February 1, 2013.  In addition, the Pace International Law Review will publish the articles and essays presented at the symposium.  We look forward to your submissions. If you have further questions, or to submit a proposal, please contact Prof. Darren Rosenblum at

 Confirmed participants include: Dan Danielsen (Northeastern), Amy Dittmar (Michigan), Kim Krawiec (Duke), Kellye Testy (U. Washington), Tom Tyler (Yale) and Cheryl Wade (St. John’s).

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