End Sexist Citation

Others on this blog have noted, with some shocking numbers, how leadership posts and article slots in top journals exclude women.  It appears they also may be missing “below the line.” This article “Are You Reading Enough Academic Women” asserts that being a woman substantially lowers one’s potential for having one’s work cited.

The article does not just decry the practice but shares concrete suggestions, many of which are sourced from a study by B.F. Walter and others.  My favorite: women are less likely to cite to themselves (hint, hint, sisters!) and we (I include myself here) should send our pieces out just using an initial in lieu of our first name.  It may not entirely shield the reader from the author’s sex but may prevent sex from shaping first reactions to women’s pieces.

The article concludes with an exhortation that we make sure there’s parity in our syllabi and cites, and especially that we try to read more women this year.  Let’s do it!

Speaking of citation, thanks to Imani Perry for sharing.

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