Op-Ed “Stop the Stigma Against Menstruation, Starting with the Bar Exam”

Margaret E. Johnson (Baltimore), Marcy L. Karin (UDC), and Elizabeth B. Cooper (Fordham) have published an op-ed in National Jurist, Stop the Stigma Against Menstruation, Starting with the Bar Exam. Here is an excerpt:

The distrust of menstruators is front and center with the July bar exams that take place next week, and those that follow. The multi-day bar exam is the legal licensing requirement needed to practice law and is understandably extremely stressful. Imagine adding to this pressure a ban on bringing in one’s own menstrual products or uncertainty about the ability to do so because a state does not expressly or publicly disclose if they are permitted. Outraged over state bars’ menstrual products restrictions, people started exchanging the information on Twitter. * * *

These illogical, shaming policies have the potential to significantly harm those test takers who may be menstruating when taking the bar exam. Unencumbered access to personal menstrual products during in-person licensing exams is critical for persons who menstruate. State bar policies must be revised to expressly and publicly permit examinees to bring in their own menstrual products. No one should have to risk admission to the bar because they have their period. Menstruators must be trusted, and the taboo must end.

The full piece is available here.

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