Call for Book Chapter Proposals: Reproductive Health Rights, Tourism and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Africa

About the Book

Following a global sharp decline in inter country adoption which has drawn a lot of attention to Africa, reproductive tourism with the use of assisted technologies is gradually on the increase and attention is gradually shifting to Africa as a viable location for reproductive tourism. Presently, many African countries are struggling to make reproductive health services available and accessible to all. The child and maternal mortality rate across several countries in Africa is still high. Health services is not treated as a fundamental right in many parts of Africa but rather treated as a socioeconomic right for which many governments have escaped liability. The United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals while the African Union has set out aspirations for the desired Africa by 2063 (Agenda 2063). SDG 3 and Goal 3 of Aspiration 1 of the Agenda 2063 are both focused on ensuring healthy, well-nourished lives and promoting well-being for all ages. To achieve these goals, African States must work together to promote good health of all Africans and focus on infertility as a reproductive health challenge that requires attention just like other aspects of reproductive health. This book will focus on research into reproductive health, reproductive rights, assisted reproductive technologies and access to reproductive services across Africa. All chapters will be peer reviewed and subject to plagiarism check, using Turnitin.

Authors of chapters should propose innovative approaches to breaking barriers and advancing the right and access to reproductive health services in Africa, especially in times of emergencies.

Topics to Consider

  • Right to reproductive health awareness and information.
  • Access to and financing of pregnancy care and delivery.
  • Right and equal access to fertility evaluation and treatment.
  • Informed consent and ethical considerations in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services.
  • Access to reproductive health of persons with disabilities.
  • Law, health insurance and reproductive health coverage.
  • Exploitative contractual agreements in ART processes.
  • Right to genetic disease screening of embryos
  • The law and embryo adoption.
  • Regulation of ART services.
  • Drafting ad enforcement of ART arrangement contracts.
  • Reproductive health rights and reproductive tourism.
  • Reproductive autonomy.
  • Right to reproductive health in emergencies.
  • Reproductive health and Covid-19.
  • Enforceability of the right to reproductive health.
  • Role of courts in bridging the gap in access to reproductive health.
  • Comparative approach to realizing the right to reproductive health.


1. Co-authorship to a maximum of three co-authors to a chapter is allowed.
2. The title of the chapter should reflect the content and should have a focus on Africa.
3. The chapter should be original and unpublished work. All chapters will be run through plagiarism check.
4. The minimum word limit is 4,000 words while the maximum limit is 8,000 words, including footnotes.
5. Each chapter should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
6. Each chapter should be accompanied by a short biography of the author(s) with a maximum of 150 words.
7. The submission should be accompanied by a title page specifying the name(s), institutional affiliation, designation and email of the author(s).
8. The citation format is the footnotes style. Footnotes should comply with OSCOLA, 4th edition (2012) which can be found here.
9. The body of the work should be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing with both sides of the margins justified. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing, with both sides of the margins justified.
10. Do not use page headers, footers or borders.
11. The language of the document shall be UK English.
12. All submissions shall be in Microsoft Word document.
13. The publisher shall own the copyright of the book while authors retain copyright of their chapters.Timelines


  • Submission of 250 words abstract: 30 June 2021.
  • Communication of acceptance of abstract: 15 July 2021.
  • Submission of full chapter: 31 October 2021.
  • Peer review: 21 November 2021.
  • Peer review feedback to authors: 25 November 2021.
  • Submission of revised chapter: 8 December 2021. All revised chapters must be accompanied by a memo detailing the revision made.
  • Final chapter submission to publisher: 8 December 2021.
    Proposed book publication: March 2022.


Abstracts should be submitted to by 30 June 2021. Early submission is however encouraged. Authors will be notified of the status of their abstracts by 15 July 2021.
All enquiries should be made to:  Olanike Adelakun;

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