Society for Menstrual Cycle Research “Extra! Extra! Menstruation Research Slam”

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On Thursday, August 5, 2021, the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research (SMCR) will host an online mini-conference on menstruation and reproductive health. The program is a showcase of rapid-fire 5 minute oral presentation delivered by SMCR early career researchers, graduate students and activists.

Registration is free (here). The program is after the fold.



1. Emily Stewart

Menstrual cycle awareness and wellbeing sessions for young people

2. Leah Bromley

Exploring the motivations and barriers to the use of reusable menstrual products among university students

3. Elizabeth Tripp

The implications of representations of menstruation on television

4. Srijana Karki

Compliance and negotiation of menstrual taboos in Kathmandu, Nepal

5. Jaaie Varshney

Assessing menstrual health needs of a university and surrounding community setting

6. Supriya Mehta

Do period characteristics and menstrual management affect the vaginal microbiome?

7. Catherine Parkinson

Power in periods: A Foucauldian-feminist exploration of menstruation in an all-girls secondary school in South Africa

8. Rachel Neve-Midbar

Poems that bleed: The Menstrual Poem

9. Amanda J.  Campbell

Oh mother, I am bleeding: Mothering monstrosities and menstruating daughters of literature

10. Bridget J. Crawford and Emily Gold Waldman

Menstruation matters in the law

11. Laura Contreras Aristizabal

Promoting the menstrual health in deprivation of liberty in a women Colombian prison

12. Rozita Alaluf

Therapeutic implications and processing of menstrual narratives in psychotherapy:  A mixed-methods approach

13. Samantha Ryan

Mapping the abject: Women’s embodied experiences of premenstrual body dissatisfaction through body-mapping

14. Maria Tomlinson

Periods don’t stop for pandemics: The impact of COVID-19 on menstrual activism in the UK

15. Allison Casola

Taking Action Against Period Poverty





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